Archived Plants List

The plants in this list are displayed for reference purposes only; we no longer grow or sell them.

Botanical name Common name
ALCEA rosea 'Spotlight Blacknight' Spotlight Series Hollyhock
ALCHEMILLA erythropoda Lady's Mantle
ALCHEMILLA erythropoda 'Alma' Lady's Mantle
ALCHEMILLA mollis Lady's Mantle
ALCHEMILLA mollis 'Auslese' Lady's Mantle
ALLIUM 'White'
ALLIUM christophii (syn. A. albopilosum) Star of Persia, Giant Allium
ALOCASIA 'Black Velvet' (syn. A. reginula) Jewel Alocasia, Black Velvet Alocasia
ALOCASIA 'Hilo Beauty' Elephant's Ear
ALOCASIA 'Sarian' (ALOCASIA zebrina x A. micholitziana) Elephant's Ear
ALOCASIA 'Tiny Dancer' (a hybrid of A. brisbanensis x A. odora) Elephant Ears (Most Unusual Aroid award 2013)
ALOCASIA cuprea 'Red Secret' Elephant's Ear, Jewel Alocasia
ALOE 'Blue Elf'
ALOE 'Fairy Pink' Fairy Pink Sunbird Aloe
ALOE 'Lizard Lips' Dwarf Aloe
ALOE 'White Fox' Miniture Aloe
ALOE brevifolia
ALOE striata Coral Aloe, Striped Aloe
ALOE vera (syn. A. barbadensis) Medicinal Aloe, Barbados Aloe
ALOE x 'Pink Blush'
ALONSOA meridionalis (syn. A. caulialata) Mask Flower
ALONSOA meridionalis ‘Maritana Red' Mask Flower
ALONSOA meridionalis ‘Maritana Salmon’ Mask Flower
ALONSOA meridionalis ‘Salmon Spire’ Mask flower
ALONSOA meridionalis ‘The Rebel’ Mask flower
ALOPECURUS pratensis 'Aureus' Yellow Foxtail Grass
ALOYSIA triphylla (syn. LIPPIA citriodora) Lemon Verbena
ALPINIA zerumbet 'Variegata Nana' Dwarf Variegated Shell Ginger, Pink Porcelain Lily
ALPINIA zerumbet 'Variegata' Variegated Shell Ginger, Pink Porcelain Lily
ALPINIA zingiber 'Midnight' (syn. A. malayensis 'Midnight) Black Ginger, Shell Ginger
ALSTROEMERIA 'Dwarf Fuchsia' Peruvian Lily
ALSTROEMERIA 'Eternal Love' Dwarf Peruvian Lily
ALSTROEMERIA 'Florist White' Peruvian Lily
ALSTROEMERIA 'Hot Pink' Butterfly Lilies, Peruvian Lily
ALSTROEMERIA 'Inca Sundance' Peruvian Lily, Inca Lily
ALSTROEMERIA 'Inticancha Doba' Peruvian Lily
ALSTROEMERIA 'Inticancha Kanika' Peruvian Lily
ALSTROEMERIA 'Inticancha Passion' Peruvian Lily
ALSTROEMERIA 'Inticancha Summer Break' Peruvian Lily
ALSTROEMERIA 'Inticancha Summer Breeze' Peruvian Lily
ALSTROEMERIA 'Inticancha Sunset' Peruvian Lily
ALSTROEMERIA 'Inticancha Sunshine' Peruvian Lily
ALSTROEMERIA 'Inticancha Time Valley' Peruvian Lily
ALSTROEMERIA 'Little Miss Christina' Peruvian Lily, Inca Lily
