organic fruits,herbs,veg (M)

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Photo unavailable MARJORAM, SWEET-
Organic Marjoram

A milder, sweeter relative of oregano. Use fresh or dried. Like basil, pinch flowers to promote leaf growth. Many gardeners have successfully over-wintered this tender perennial, while others pot it up in the fall to bring delight to a winter kitchen. To dry, harvest stems to hang in bundles. Lvs can be easily stripped off when dry. Ht: 1-2 ft. Exp: sun. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z9-10. (Maturity: 85 days) (Origanum majorana)

Photo unavailable MARJORAM, SWEET-
Organic Marjoram

A milder, sweeter relative of oregano. Use fresh or dried. Like basil, pinch flowers to promote leaf growth. Many gardeners have successfully over-wintered this tender perennial, while others pot it up in the fall to bring delight to a winter kitchen. To dry, harvest stems to hang in bundles. Lvs can be easily stripped off when dry. Ht: 1-2 ft. Exp: sun. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z9-10. (Maturity: 85 days) (Origanum majorana)

Photo unavailable MARJORAM, SWEET-
Organic Marjoram

A milder, sweeter relative of oregano. Use fresh or dried. Like basil, pinch flowers to promote leaf growth. Many gardeners have successfully over-wintered this tender perennial, while others pot it up in the fall to bring delight to a winter kitchen. To dry, harvest stems to hang in bundles. Lvs can be easily stripped off when dry. Ht: 1-2 ft. Exp: sun. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z9-10. (Maturity: 85 days) (Origanum majorana)

MELISSA officinalis (Lemon Balm), Organic Lemon Balm MELISSA officinalis (Lemon Balm)
Organic Lemon Balm

Perennial. Lemon balm is a strongly aromatic herb with a lemony fragrance and excellent medicinal and culinary qualities. Best to use when fresh. Use in warm or cold drinks, deserts and salads. Great to use when cooking. Forms a nice green clump of heart shaped leaves 12-18" tall. Best to harvest in mid to late afternoon when the oils are strongest.
Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: mod. USDA Z4.

Photo unavailable MELISSA officinalis (Lemon Balm)
Organic Lemon Balm

Perennial. Lemon balm is a strongly aromatic herb with a lemony fragrance and excellent medicinal and culinary qualities. Best to use when fresh. Use in warm or cold drinks, deserts and salads. Great to use when cooking. Forms a nice green clump of heart shaped leaves 12-18" tall. Best to harvest in mid to late afternoon when the oils are strongest.
Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: mod. USDA Z4.

Photo unavailable MELON 'Crane'
Organic Heirloom Melon

Heirloom - Devolped by local Sonoma County farmer Oliver Crane by crossing a cantaloupe with a Japanese melon. This Crenshaw-type melon produces 4-6 pound teardrop-shaped fruit that have light-orange flesh that is very sweet and juicy. The skin is green with orange spots when ripe. Plant in sun. (Maturity: 75-85 days) (Cucumis melo 'Crane')

Photo unavailable MELON 'Crane'
Organic Heirloom Melon

Heirloom - Devolped by local Sonoma County farmer Oliver Crane by crossing a cantaloupe with a Japanese melon. This Crenshaw-type melon produces 4-6 pound teardrop-shaped fruit that have light-orange flesh that is very sweet and juicy. The skin is green with orange spots when ripe. Plant in sun. (Maturity: 75-85 days) (Cucumis melo 'Crane')

Photo unavailable MELON 'Emerald Gem'
Organic Melon

Heirloom-Most popular melon of the late 1800's, hailed as “altogether unapproached in delicious flavor & luscious beyond description.” Small 2-3 lb fruits ripen from emerald green to ylw-brown. Pale orng flesh is juicy, sweet, & somewhat spicy in flavor. Fruits are borne on compact plants. Heavy producer. Plant in sun. Short harvest window; pick melons when skin becomes netted & fruits slip from the vine. (Maturity: 70-90 days)

Photo unavailable MINT 'Chocolate'
Organic Chocolate Peppermint

Perennial Herb: Deer resistant. Refreshing, chocolate/peppermint patty aroma. A fantastic mint for desserts, garnishes & making teas. Its subtle chocolaty tones paired w/the sharp hints of peppermint make this a delicious variety when blended w/Kentucky Colonel or Orange Mint. Good in containers or hanging baskets. Fairly drought tolerant. Blm time: spring-summer. Blm color: white or pale lavender. Ht: 24". Width: 24". Exp.: sun/pt shade. Water: mod. USDA Z4.

Photo unavailable MINT 'Chocolate'
Organic Chocolate Peppermint

Perennial Herb: Deer resistant. Refreshing, chocolate/peppermint patty aroma. A fantastic mint for desserts, garnishes & making teas. Its subtle chocolaty tones paired w/the sharp hints of peppermint make this a delicious variety when blended w/Kentucky Colonel or Orange Mint. Good in containers or hanging baskets. Fairly drought tolerant. Blm time: spring-summer. Blm color: white or pale lavender. Ht: 24". Width: 24". Exp.: sun/pt shade. Water: mod. USDA Z4.

Photo unavailable MINT 'Hillary's Sweet Lemon'
Organic Sweet Lemon Spearmint

Perennial Herb: A hybrid of apple mint & lime mint. It has the crisp flavor & vigorous growth of apple with the lovely leaf & citrus undertones of lime. Very unusual & delicious. Great for tea & bar drinks. Named after Hillary Clinton, First Lady of the United States & herb enthusiast. Fairly drought tolerant. Attracts butterflies. Height: 2-3'. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z5.

Photo unavailable MINT 'Hillary's Sweet Lemon'
Organic Sweet Lemon Spearmint

Perennial Herb: A hybrid of apple mint & lime mint. It has the crisp flavor & vigorous growth of apple with the lovely leaf & citrus undertones of lime. Very unusual & delicious. Great for tea & bar drinks. Named after Hillary Clinton, First Lady of the United States & herb enthusiast. Fairly drought tolerant. Attracts butterflies. Height: 2-3'. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z5.

Photo unavailable MINT 'Kentucky Colonel'
Organic Spearmint

Perennial Herb: Official herb in the Kentucky Derby's mint julep drink, which is where name originated. Superior foliage to the species, ovate to lanceolate dk grn lvs up to 3" long. Lvs have a characteristic spearmint flavor & taste. Use as a flavoring or garnish, in teas, baths, as room deoderizer or as a mouth freshener! Fairly drought tolerant. Bloom color: lilac/lav., pk to wht. Ht.: 24-36". Exp.: sun/part shade. Water: mod. USDA Z5. (MENTHA spicata 'Kentucky Colonel')

Photo unavailable MINT 'Kentucky Colonel'
Organic Spearmint

Perennial Herb: Official herb in the Kentucky Derby's mint julep drink, which is where name originated. Superior foliage to the species, ovate to lanceolate dk grn lvs up to 3" long. Lvs have a characteristic spearmint flavor & taste. Use as a flavoring or garnish, in teas, baths, as room deoderizer or as a mouth freshener! Fairly drought tolerant. Bloom color: lilac/lav., pk to wht. Ht.: 24-36". Exp.: sun/part shade. Water: mod. USDA Z5. (MENTHA spicata 'Kentucky Colonel')

Photo unavailable MINT 'Kentucky Colonel'
Organic Spearmint

Perennial Herb: Official herb in the Kentucky Derby's mint julep drink, which is where name originated. Superior foliage to the species, ovate to lanceolate dk grn lvs up to 3" long. Lvs have a characteristic spearmint flavor & taste. Use as a flavoring or garnish, in teas, baths, as room deoderizer or as a mouth freshener! Fairly drought tolerant. Bloom color: lilac/lav., pk to wht. Ht.: 24-36". Exp.: sun/part shade. Water: mod. USDA Z5. (MENTHA spicata 'Kentucky Colonel')

Photo unavailable MINT 'Mojito'
Organic Mojito Mint

Perennial Herb: Deer resistant. Signature staple for the ever-famous Cuban mojito drink! Nice, warm mild flavor. Not as overpowering as other mints. Best kept in containers to avoid spreading vigorously. Great for culinary use - garnish fruits, salads, desserts and summer drinks. Attracts butterflies & bees. Bloom time: spring-summer. Bloom color: white or pale lavender. Ht: 18-24". Width: 24". Exp: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z6.

Photo unavailable MINT 'Moroccan'
Organic Moroccan Mint

Perennial Herb: Highly aromatic with prostrate growth and easy to grow. Very refreshing in salads and drinks. Light green leaves with serrated edges. Attracts butterflies & bees. Bloom time: summer. Bloom color: white. Height: 24". Spread: 24". Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. Hardy (Mentha spicata 'Moroccan')

Photo unavailable MINT 'Moroccan'
Organic Moroccan Mint

Perennial Herb: Highly aromatic with prostrate growth and easy to grow. Very refreshing in salads and drinks. Light green leaves with serrated edges. Attracts butterflies & bees. Bloom time: summer. Bloom color: white. Height: 24". Spread: 24". Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. Hardy (Mentha spicata 'Moroccan')

Photo unavailable MINT 'Orange'
Organic Orange Bergamot Mint

Perennial Herb: Deer resistant. Purple-edged, dark green leaves. A delicious mint perfect for summer drinks and fruit salads. The citrus flavor is a bright alternative to regular mints and works well in salads, with fruits, in fish & poultry dishes or as a tea. Excellent hanging basket plant. Fairly drought tolerant. Bloom time: spring-summer. Bloom color: lavender. Height: 24". Width: 24'. Exp.: sun/part shade. Water: mod. USDA Z4. (MENTHA x piperita 'Orange')

Photo unavailable MINT 'Orange'
Organic Orange Bergamot Mint

Perennial Herb: Deer resistant. Purple-edged, dark green leaves. A delicious mint perfect for summer drinks and fruit salads. The citrus flavor is a bright alternative to regular mints and works well in salads, with fruits, in fish & poultry dishes or as a tea. Excellent hanging basket plant. Fairly drought tolerant. Bloom time: spring-summer. Bloom color: lavender. Height: 24". Width: 24'. Exp.: sun/part shade. Water: mod. USDA Z4. (MENTHA x piperita 'Orange')

Photo unavailable MINT 'Orange'
Organic Orange Bergamot Mint

Perennial Herb: Deer resistant. Purple-edged, dark green leaves. A delicious mint perfect for summer drinks and fruit salads. The citrus flavor is a bright alternative to regular mints and works well in salads, with fruits, in fish & poultry dishes or as a tea. Excellent hanging basket plant. Fairly drought tolerant. Bloom time: spring-summer. Bloom color: lavender. Height: 24". Width: 24'. Exp.: sun/part shade. Water: mod. USDA Z4. (MENTHA x piperita 'Orange')

Photo unavailable MINT 'Peppermint'
Organic Peppermint

Perennial Herb: It's strong mint flavor is excellent for teas, desserts, salads, sauces, vegetable dishes and ground beef. Also makes a good facial steam. Attracts butterflies & bees. Bloom time: summer. Bloom color: violet. Height: 3'. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. Hardy. (MENTHA x piperita)

Photo unavailable MINT 'Peppermint'
Organic Peppermint

Perennial Herb: It's strong mint flavor is excellent for teas, desserts, salads, sauces, vegetable dishes and ground beef. Also makes a good facial steam. Attracts butterflies & bees. Bloom time: summer. Bloom color: violet. Height: 3'. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. Hardy. (MENTHA x piperita)

Photo unavailable MINT 'Peppermint'
Organic Peppermint

Perennial Herb: It's strong mint flavor is excellent for teas, desserts, salads, sauces, vegetable dishes and ground beef. Also makes a good facial steam. Attracts butterflies & bees. Bloom time: summer. Bloom color: violet. Height: 3'. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. Hardy. (MENTHA x piperita)

Photo unavailable MINT 'Spearmint'
Organic Spearmint

Perennial Herb: Very versatile mint! Use as a flavoring or garnish, in teas, baths, as room deoderizer or as a mouth freshener! Fairly drought tolerant. Height: 1.5-2'. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. Hardy. (MENTHA spicata)


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