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Photo unavailable ROSA 'Peter Mayle' (own root)
Hybrid Tea (Romantica)

Large 4-5" cupped deep pink blooms carry a heavy old rose fragrance that will fill any room. Blooms last 10 days when cut. Extremely vigorous and survives most hot and humid of summers without injury. Deep green, glossy disease resistant foliage. Shade tolerant. Medium-tall, upright habit, 3-6'. Repeat blooming. USDA Z5. (PP#11660)

ROSA 'Picture Perfect' (='Wekmamoprela'), Hybrid Tea ROSA 'Picture Perfect' (='Wekmamoprela')
Hybrid Tea

Wow, a showstopper! The bright fuchsia pink 4-5" blooms have a creamy white reverse & held over deep green foliage with a slight silver sheen. Such a beauty & exhibition quality. The pointed buds open to single blooms & are borne on long stems that make great cut flowers with a long vase life. The blooms have a moderate fragrance with a petal count of 35-40. Upright vertical habit. Ht: 4-5 ft. Reblooms. Excellent disease resistance. USDA Z4. (2023) PPAF

ROSA 'Pillow Fight' (own root), Shrub ROSA 'Pillow Fight' (own root)

Carries clusters of fragrant white flowers over very deep, glossy green foliage. Very double blooms, about 35 petals per blossom, never seem to stop blooming! Similar to it's parent, Gourmet Popcorn, although is bigger, blooms are more double, leaves are larger and growth is larger. Medium/rounded, bushy habit: 3-5' x 3-5'. Performs best in drier climates. (2000)

Photo unavailable ROSA 'Playful Happy Trails'™ (cv. WEKrahatjacor) (own root)
Ground Cover/Shrub

Produces clusters of 1" red flowers with yellow centers that bring a punch to the garden. Healthy and vigorous growth habit. Works tirelessly throughout the season. Great ground cover. Blooms in clusters with good repeat blooms during the season. Height: 1-2 feet. Width: 3-4 feet. Exposure: sun/part shade. USDA Z4. PPAF (2021)

ROSA 'Polka' (own root), Modern, Large-flowered Climber ROSA 'Polka' (own root)
Modern, Large-flowered Climber

Many petaled medium to large blooms are a blend of apricot and peach and are borne singly or in clusters in abundance summer-autumn with an Old rose fragrance. Stiff stems make nice cut flowers. Good for pillars, walls or fences. Repeat flowering, disease tolerant and winter hardy. Vigorous, shrubby growth 10-12 feet.

ROSA 'Princess Alexandra of Kent' (=Ausmerchant), David Austin English Rose ROSA 'Princess Alexandra of Kent' (=Ausmerchant)
David Austin English Rose

A magnificent rose w/large, deeply cupped blms of warm, glowing pk. Each flower consists of about 130 petals. The blms are disproportionately large compared to the rose bush itself so the effect is all flower. Award winning - delicious fresh tea fragrance w/aspects of lemon & blackcurrants. Can be used for beds, borders, cut flower or garden. Height: 3-4'. Width: 3-4'. Bushy foliage on a rounded shaped & very winter hardy.

ROSA 'Princess Anne' (syn. 'Auskitchen') (own root), David Austin English Rose (Shrub) ROSA 'Princess Anne' (syn. 'Auskitchen') (own root)
David Austin English Rose (Shrub)

The young flowers are deep pink, almost red, fading to pure rich pink. The narrow petals are unusually substantial, with a hint of yellow on the undersides. The 3-4" blooms are held in large, fragrant clusters and are produced freely and with a delightful scent. A particularly healthy variety, forming a bushy, upright shrub with thick, highly polished foliage. Height: 3-4 ft. Width: 2-4.5 ft. Repeat flowering. Disease resistant. Petal count: 85. USDA Z4-11. (2010) PP #23,099

ROSA 'Princesse Charlene de Monaco' (='Duftjuwel', 'Meidysouk') (own root), Hybrid Tea (Romantica) ROSA 'Princesse Charlene de Monaco' (='Duftjuwel', 'Meidysouk') (own root)
Hybrid Tea (Romantica)

An award winner: American Garden Rose Selections & Biltmore International Rose Trials. Large ovate buds open to fully double 5" blooms w/ 100+ petals! The light apricot with light pink hued blooms are borne singly with a strong, sweet & fruity scent. Repeat blooms spring thru fall. Good bed, border, pot & cut flower. Glossy, dark green foliage. Upright, bushy. Ht: 5-6 ft. Width: 2-3 ft. Excellent disease resistance. Exposure: sun. USDA Z5-10. (2013) PP #24,296

Photo unavailable ROSA 'Queen of Elegance'

Non fading, old-fashioned large flowers are dbl & grow 3.5-4.5" across. The flowers open like a cup, packed w/tons of petals for a very full flower form. The clusters of elegant, pk-orng blm spring-fall. Very strong, classic rose fragrance on this straight, upright bush. An elegant addition to the landscape. Produces 3-4 flowers per cluster. Good for beds, borders, hedges or cut flower. Attracts butterflies. Size: 4-5' x 4-5'. USDA Z5.

ROSA 'Queen of Sweden' (=Austiger) (own root), David Austin English Rose ROSA 'Queen of Sweden' (=Austiger) (own root)
David Austin English Rose

Charming little buds open to form wide, shallow cups of the softest pk w/hints of apricot. The 2 Ÿ” blms have a delicate myrrh scent & a petal count of 40-100 petals/bloom. They are borne in small clusters that come in flushes throughout the season & make good cut flowers. Shade tolerant, repeat blooming & disease resistant. Great for beds & borders. Medium, bushy & upright habit. Ht: 4’. W: 3’. USDA Z5. (2006) PP#17,150

ROSA 'Quest for Zest' (= 'Weksecjuc'), Grandiflora ROSA 'Quest for Zest' (= 'Weksecjuc')

The large, spiraled zesty yellow blooms have an "off-the-charts" scent. The 4-5" flowers have a petal count of 30-40 & held singly or in clusters of 2-3. Perfect for bouquets to fill your home with a strong lemon-citrus/fruity scent. Repeat blooms throughout the season. Good border, pot, & cut flower rose. Medium-tall, upright, moderately spreading growth habit & very glossy, medium green leaves. Ht: 6 ft. Width: 3-4 ft. Excellent vigor & disease resistance. (PPAF)

Photo unavailable ROSA 'Rainbow Happy Trails' (=WEKsurdicla) (own root)
Ground Cover/Carpet Rose

A true ground cover with a trailing & spreading habit, the branches stay low to the ground spreading a rainbow of color throughout the garden. Mild tea & fruity fragrance. Med-small, 2-2.5" fully double, cup-shaped blms are vibrant yellow-gold, blushed w/pink edges. Flowers are non-fading, holding their coloration until the petals drop. Use as a shrubby ground cover, on slopes & banks & as a small hedge. Size: 1-1.5' x 2-3'. Petal count: 20-30. PPAF USDA Z4.

ROSA 'Raspberry Cupcake' (='Korcarmsis') (own root), Hybrid Tea ROSA 'Raspberry Cupcake' (='Korcarmsis') (own root)
Hybrid Tea

The old fashioned, quartered & cup-shaped blms & medium to light pk. The 3-4" blms are extremely fragrant & carry a strong raspberry & lemon scent w/petal count of 65+. They make good cut flowers over medium matte green foliage that has excellent disease resistance. Arching, bushy, compact growth habit. Height: 4 feet. Width: 2-3 feet. Reblooms throughout the season. USDA Z5. (2023) PP #33,406 (syn. R. 'Fraulein Maria von Jever').

Photo unavailable ROSA 'Roald Dahl' (syn. 'Ausowlish')
David Austin English Rose (Shrub)

An award winner - Silver Medal & the Irwin Award for health at the National Trial Garden in 2020 of Australia. Free-flowering with soft orange-red buds that open to 2.5" medium-sized, cupped rosettes of a perfect apricot color. The robust blooms have a lovely fruity Tea scent. Very healthy, maturing into an attractive, rounded, bushy, nearly thornless shrub. Ht: 4 ft. Width: 4 ft. Repeat flowering. Petal count: 55. Disease resistant. USDA Z5-11. (2016) PP #29,927

Photo unavailable ROSA 'Sally Holmes' (own root)
Hybrid Musk/Shrub Rose

Produces large, tightly packed trusses of single, 3 inch ivory white flowers with golden centers. Some trusses carry over 60 blooms!! It is always in bloom and has a vigorous, somewhat rounded habit. 6-8 feet as a shrub, 10 feet as a climber. Shade tolerant. (1976)

ROSA 'Scepter'd Isle' (= 'Ausland') (own root), David Austin English Rose (Shrub) ROSA 'Scepter'd Isle' (= 'Ausland') (own root)
David Austin English Rose (Shrub)

Shrub: Its strong myrrh fragrance has earned it the Royal National Rose Society Award. A successful blend of Old Rose scent with a modern color & repeat-flowering traits. An upright shrub with small clusters of soft pink 3.5" blooms w/the outer petals aging to pale pink. Border, hedge, & pot plant. Prolific, continuous blooms throughout the season. Petal count: 45. Ht: 3-5 ft. Width: 2-4 ft. Disease resistant. USDA Z5. (1996) PP #10,969

ROSA 'Secret's Out!', Hybrid Tea ROSA 'Secret's Out!'
Hybrid Tea

A cousin to the AARS winner, Secret. This Hybrid Tea has creamy white, high-centered, 30 petaled, show quality blooms. Along with its strong, room filling, spicy fragrance, this rose will stun in borders and bouqets, due to strong bloom performance, disease resistance and hardiness. How can you go wrong? Size: 3-4' x 2-2.5'. Bloom time: spring - frost. Light: full sun. Water: moderate. USDA Z 6-9. PP#21373

ROSA 'Sexy Rexy' (cv. MACrexy), Floribunda ROSA 'Sexy Rexy' (cv. MACrexy)

A very prolific producer of clusters of double pink, cup shaped blooms. Blooms heavily in flushes from spring into fall. Lightly fragrant. Vigorous, upright, and rigorous growth habit. Compact and bushy. Great for beds and borders. Good disease resistance. Healthy semi-glossy, dark green foliage. Height: 2-5 feet. Width: 2-3 feet. Exposure: sun/part shade. USDA Z6. (2005)

Photo unavailable ROSA 'Sheila's Perfume' (=HARsherry, ‘Sheila’s Parfum Rose’)

The spicy fragrance keeps you coming back for another whiff! Winner of 2 fragrance awards. Large 4-5” yellow flowers have shell pink touches w/deep pink edges. The blooms are borne singly with high centers in flushes early summer-fall. Use in beds, borders, pots or cut flower garden. Disease resist. Med., semi-glossy, dark green foliage. Bushy & rounded. Ht: 30-36”. W: 24”. Shade tolerant. USDA Z6. (1985: Sheridan)

ROSA 'Silas Marner' (='Ausraveloe'), David Austin English Rose (Shrub) ROSA 'Silas Marner' (='Ausraveloe')
David Austin English Rose (Shrub)

Pretty ruffled, soft mid-pink flowers have a pale reverse that fade at the edges. The medium sized cupped blooms have relaxed petals around an attractive eye on red stems & glossy dark green foliage. Old Rose scent with accents of fruity lemon, green banana & apricot. Good cut flower, border, hedge & pot rose. Disease resistant. Healthy medium sized shrub with a wide, arching growth. Ht: 3.5 ft. Width: 4.5 ft. Repeat flowering. USDA Z4-11. (2020) PP #33,405

Photo unavailable ROSA 'State of Grace'
Grandiflora (Hybrid Tea x Floribunda)

Beautiful from bud to blm w/elaborate, soft colors. Produces 3.5-4" old-fashioned, dbl, spiraled blms in shades of apricot-gold w/dark pk reverse. Rounded, bushy plants have large, clean foliage & offer their blms in flushes throughout the season, sometimes singly or sometimes in clusters. Moderate fruit fragrance. Excellent as a cut flower. Tall, upright habit. Size: 4-5' x 5-6'. Petal count: 30-65. USDA Z5.

ROSA 'Stormy Weather', Large Flowered Climber ROSA 'Stormy Weather'
Large Flowered Climber

Mid-sized climber that repeat blooms its first season. Prolific clusters of mysterious deep smokey purple flowers with starry-yellow stamens & a touch of white on the reverse. Large frilly semi-double flowers open flat. Moderately spicy fragrance. Great for trellises, arbors, fences, cottage gardens or as a cut flower. Size: 8-10' x 3-4'. Petal count: 20. PP#23,158

ROSA 'Sultry Night' (='Wekswipufste') (own root), Shrub, Floribunda ROSA 'Sultry Night' (='Wekswipufste') (own root)
Shrub, Floribunda

A striking color! The large, old-fashioned 3" blooms are magenta pink with hints of blue with each petal having a lighter reverse. The shapely, pointed buds open to cupped and very double blooms with a petal count of 60-100 in clusters of 8-15 on dark, glossy green foliage. The large clusters make great cut flowers and open all at the same time. Medium-small, bushy rounded habit. Height: 2-4 feet. Width: 2-4 feet. Disease resistance. USDA Z4. PPAF (2023)

Photo unavailable ROSA 'Sunset Happy Trails' (own root)
True groundcover

Gardens and landscapes are always looking for a free flowering, low ground cover. Look no further than Sunset Happy Trails where its 2' x 3' size, prostrate habit and trailing branches make this a go to. If that does not work, how about the 1.5", 5-10 petal, salmon blooms that fade to a light pink and disease resistant. Light fragrance. Size: 2' x 3'. USDA Z5-9

ROSA 'Sunset Horizon' (syn. 'Meisistoma') (own root), Floribunda ROSA 'Sunset Horizon' (syn. 'Meisistoma') (own root)

Blooms vigorously with blooms starting out bright yellow and fading to deep pink and cherry red. Good cut flower with single, 3-4" ruffled blooms. Light fragrance. Nice in borders, beds and containers. Attracts butterflies and pollinators. Medium green foliage. Upright, bushy growth habit. Height: 2-4 feet. Width: 2-3 feet. Great disease resistance. USDA Z5. (2021) PP #31,682


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