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HEUCHERELLA Kirella 'Fresh Green', Kirella Series, Alum Root, Coral Bells HEUCHERELLA Kirella 'Fresh Green'
Kirella Series, Alum Root, Coral Bells

Perennial: Evergreen. Deer resist. Coast & clay tolerant. A hybrid between Heuchera & Tiarella, combining the best traits of both! The 'Kirella' series are bred for heat & drought tolerance. Forms a low, full mound vivid green lvs w/drkr green margins. Good rock & woodland garden, cut flower, pot & border plant. Attracts butterflies & hummers. Blms: summer. Blm color: white. Size: 8-10" x 8-10". Exp.: pt shade. Water: mod. Z4. USPP

HIBISCUS sabdariffa, Roselle, Asian Sour Leaf, Indian Sorrel, Jamaican Tea, Florida Cranberry HIBISCUS sabdariffa
Roselle, Asian Sour Leaf, Indian Sorrel, Jamaican Tea, Florida Cranberry

Herbaceous Perennial: Heirloom. Non-GMO. Edible leaves & flowers have a sour taste & work well with pickling, curries, or paired with strong & spicy flavors. Red calyces can be used in beverages, syrups, sauces, jellies, preserves & chutneys. The raw or cooked leaves can be used like spinach. Ht: about 7 feet. Exposure: sun. Water: moderate/moist. USDA Z8.

HOMALOMENA 'Camouflage' (syn. H. wallisii, H. wallisii 'Camouflage'), Shield Plant HOMALOMENA 'Camouflage' (syn. H. wallisii, H. wallisii 'Camouflage')
Shield Plant

Perennial Herb: A tropical plant that does well indoors as a houseplant. Prized for its striking foliage, this has beautiful variegated leaves of light and dark green in a mottled pattern that resembles camouflage. The leaves are broad and waxy. Height: 8-12 inches. Exposure: part shade. USDA Z10. Indoors: provide bright, indirect light. Keep soil moist. Toxic to pets & humans if ingested.

HOSTA 'August Moon', Plantain Lily HOSTA 'August Moon'
Plantain Lily

Perennial: One of the best gold forms. Deciduous. Deer, drought, bog & clay tolerant. Has bell-shaped white blooms in summer. Attracts butterflies & hummers. Ground cover or border plant. Foliage: golden yellow. Leaf size: 6" x 5". Vigorous, clumping: 20" x 30". Flower stalk: to 28". Relatively sun tolerant. Sun/shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z3.

Photo unavailable HOSTA 'Fire and Ice'
Plantain Lily

Perennial: Deciduous. Deer, drought, bog & clay tolerant. Dwarf version of 'Patriot'. Has funnel-shaped lavender flowers in summer. Attracts butterflies & hummers. Ground cover, edging & border plant. Foliage: heart shaped-white centers w/dark green margins, upright & twisted. Leaf: 10" x 7". Clumping: 15-18" x 18-24". Part shade/shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z3.

Photo unavailable HOSTA 'First Frost'
Plantain Lily

Perennial: Deciduous. Deer, drought, bog & clay tolerant. A sport of 'Halcyon'. The leaves hold up all season long until the "first frost." Has lavender bell-shaped blooms. Attracts butterflies & hummingbirds. Ground cover, container, & border plant. Foliage: powdery blue-green with a cream edge aging to pure white. Blooms: summer. Vigorous, clumping: 12-16" x 12-36". Flower stalk: 28 inches. Exposure: part shade/shade. Water: moderate/moist. USDA Z3.

HOSTA 'Francee', Plantain Lily HOSTA 'Francee'
Plantain Lily

Perennial: Deciduous. Deer, drought, bog & clay tolerant. Has lavender flowers in summer. Attracts butterflies & hummers. Ground cover, pot, edging & border plant. Foliage: heart shaped forest green leaves with white margin.. Ht: 15-18" Width: 24". Light shade/shade. Tolerates some sun Water: moderate. USDA Z3.

HOSTA 'Great Expectations', Plantain Lily HOSTA 'Great Expectations'
Plantain Lily

Perennial: Deciduous. Deer, drought, bog & clay tolerant. Has pale lavender to white bell-shaped blooms. Attracts butterflies & hummingbirds. Ground cover, container, & border plant. Foliage: oval, puckered, yellow to creamy-white center with wide irregular blue-green margins. Blooms: summer. Slow growing, clumping: 24" x 36". Flower stalk: 24-34". Slug resistant. Exposure: part shade/shade. Water: moderate/moist. USDA Z3.

Photo unavailable HOSTA 'Hadspen Blue'
Plantain Lily

Perennial: One of the best of the blues. Deciduous. Deer, drought, bog & clay tolerant. Has bell-shaped lavender blooms in summer. Attracts butterflies & hummers. Ground cover & border plant. Foliage: smooth, heart shaped gray blue. Leafs: 5" x 4". Clump forming & slow growing: 10-16" x 18-24". Flower stalk: 16". Part shade/shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z3.

HOSTA 'Halcyon', Plantain Lily HOSTA 'Halcyon'
Plantain Lily

Perennial: One of the best blues. Deciduous. Deer, drought, bog & clay tolerant. Good slug resistance. Has white to pale lavender bell-shaped blooms in summer. Attracts butterflies & hummers. Ground cover, pot & border plant. Foliage: frosted blue-green. Leaf: 8" x 5". Vigorous, clumping: 1-3' x 2-3'. Flowers: 2'. Pt shd/shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z3.

HOSTA 'June', Plantain Lily HOSTA 'June'
Plantain Lily

Perennial: 'Best Hosta of the Year 2001', RHS Award of Garden Merit winner. Deciduous. Deer, drought, bog & clay tolerant. A sport of 'Halcyon'. Has pale lavender bell-shaped blooms. Attracts butterflies & hummingbirds. Ground cover, pot, & border plant. Foliage: pointed, chartreuse-yellow with bluish-green edges. Blooms: summer. Clumping: 12-15" x 30". Flower stalk: 20". Slug resistant. Exposure: part shade/shade. Water: moderate/moist. USDA Z3.

HOSTA 'Minuteman', Plantain Lily HOSTA 'Minuteman'
Plantain Lily

Perennial: Deciduous. Deer, drought, bog & clay tolerant. Has funnell-shaped lavender blooms in summer. Attracts butterflies & hummers. Ground cover, pot & border plant. Foliage: dark green with a white margin. Leaf size: 7" x 5". Clumping: 18-24" x 12-24". Flower stalk: 36". Exposure: part shade/shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z3. An improved Hosta 'Patriot'.

Photo unavailable HOSTA 'Paradigm' (syn. 'Abiqua Paradigm')
Plantain Lily

Perennial: 'Best Hosta of the Year 2007', RHS Award of Garden Merit winner. Deciduous. Deer, drought, bog & clay tolerant. A sport of 'Abiqua Recluse'. Has pale lavender bell-shaped blooms in summer. Attracts butterflies & hummers. Ground cover, pot, & border plant. Foliage: puckered, gold with streaked blue-green margins. Clumping: 20" x 36". Flower stalk: 24". Slug resistant. Expos: part shade/shade. Can tolerate some sun. Water: moderate/moist. USDA Z3.

Photo unavailable HOSTA 'Powder Blue'
Plantain Lily

Perennial: Deciduous. Deer, drought, bog & clay tolerant. Has pale lavender bell shaped flowers. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Ground cover, container, and border plant. Foliage: thick, corrugated, powdery blue-green. Leaf size: 14" x 11". Blooms: summer. Clumping: 28" X 64".. Flower stalk: 36". Slug resistant. Exposure: part shade/shade. Water: moderate/moist. USDA Z3.

Photo unavailable HOSTA 'Stained Glass'
Plantain Lily

Perennial: 2006 Hosta of the Year. Deciduous. Deer, drought, bog & clay tolerant. A sport of 'Guacamole'. Has large lavender bell shaped flowers in summer. Attracts butterflies & hummingbirds. Ground cover, container, & border plant. Foliage: huge, brilliant gold with wide, dark green margins & prominent veins. Leaf size: 10". Clumping: 15-20" x 18-48". Flower stalk: 30". Exposure: part shade/shade. Can tolerate some sun. Water: moderate/moist. USDA Z3.

HOSTA fortunei 'Aureo-Marginata', Plantain Lily HOSTA fortunei 'Aureo-Marginata'
Plantain Lily

Perennial: Deciduous. Deer, drought, bog & clay tolerant. Has funnel-shaped lilac blooms in late spring-summer. Attracts butterflies & hummers. Ground cover, border plant. Foliage: ovate heart shaped dark green with yellow-gold margin. Leaf size: 10" x 7". Vigorous, clump forming: 20" x 18". Flower stalk: to 24". Sun or shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z3.

HOSTA fortunei 'Patriot', Plantain Lily HOSTA fortunei 'Patriot'
Plantain Lily

Perennial: Deciduous. Deer, drought, bog & clay tolerant. Has funnel-shaped lavender blue flowers in summer. Attracts butterflies & hummers. Ground cover, border plant. Vigorous. Foliage: ovate to heart shaped olive green slightly puckered leaves with wide pure white margins. Growth: 18-24" x 36". Exposure: sun/shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z3.

Photo unavailable HOSTA sieboldiana 'Elegans'
Plantain Lily

Perennial: Deciduous. Deer, drought, bog and clay tolerant. Produces slightly bell-shaped pale lilac blooms in summer. Attracts butterflies & hummers. Ground cover or border plant. Foliage: rounded heart shaped, deeply puckered gray blue. Leaf size: 16" x 12". Clumping: 36" x 30". Exposure: sun/shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z3.

Photo unavailable HOUTTUYNIA cordata 'Chameleon' (syn. 'Variegata')

Perennial: Deciduous border and ground cover plant for large areas. Heart shaped leaves are variegated in green, cream, pink, yellow & red. Can use at a pond, streamside or in shallow water. Blooms: summer. Bloom color: white. Size: 6-10" x 18". Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moist. Bog tolerant. USDA Z5-10.

Photo unavailable HUERNIA zebrina
Little Owl Eyes, Lifesaver Plant

Perennial: Low-growing succulent. The erect stems are irregularly branched, strongly toothed & taper up to 2" long. The flowers are star-shaped, ylw, w/coppery-brown zebra stripes & a thickened cntr that resembles a Lifesaver. Very unusual & showy! Easy to grow & requires little space. Often grown as a houseplant. Blms: spring-summer. Ht: 6-8". Needs good drainage. Prefers bright indirect sunlight or pt shade. Protect from frost. Z10.

HUNNEMANNIA fumariifolia, Mexican Tulip Poppy, Golden Cup HUNNEMANNIA fumariifolia
Mexican Tulip Poppy, Golden Cup

Perennial often grown as an annual. Closely resembles California poppies with 3 inch cup-shaped bright golden-yellow blooms. Use in rock gardens or as a filler. Growth: 2-3' x 2'. Drought tolerant once established. Exposure: full sun. USDA Z8-10.


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