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VIOLA cornuta 'Penny Peach Jump-Up', VIOLA cornuta 'Penny Peach Jump-Up'

Annual: The Penny series boasts the vigor growers have now come to expect from hybrid violas. Larger than normal sized blooms proliferate over lush green, compact foliage. This series is excellent for both spring & fall, with multiple uses for bedding, landscapes & containers. Hardy & heat tolerant. Blm color: two upper purple petals w/blushed peach & citrus orange face. Ht: 4-6". Sprd: 4-6". Exp.: sun/part shade. Water: mod.

VIOLA cornuta 'Penny Primrose Picotee', VIOLA cornuta 'Penny Primrose Picotee'

Annual: The Penny series boasts the vigor growers have now come to expect from hybrid violas. Larger than normal sized blooms proliferate over lush green, compact foliage. This series is excellent for both spring & fall, with multiple uses for bedding, landscapes & containers. Hardy & heat tolerant. Bloom color: primrose yellow w/purple picotee edge. Height: 4-6". Spread: 4-6". Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate.

VIOLA cornuta 'Penny White Jump-Up', VIOLA cornuta 'Penny White Jump-Up'

Annual: The Penny series boasts the vigor growers have now come to expect from hybrid violas. Larger than normal sized blooms proliferate over lush green, compact foliage. This series is excellent for both spring and fall, and have multiple uses for bedding, landscapes & containers. Hardy and heat tolerant. Bloom color: purple cap with white lower petals. Height: 4-6". Spread: 4-6". Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate.

VIOLA cornuta 'Penny Yellow Jump-Up', VIOLA cornuta 'Penny Yellow Jump-Up'

Annual: The Penny series boasts the vigor growers have now come to expect from hybrid violas. Larger than normal sized blooms proliferate over lush green, compact foliage. This series is excellent for both spring & fall, with multiple uses for bedding, landscapes & containers. Hardy & heat tolerant. Bloom color: burgundy-violet cap w/yellow lower petals. Height: 4-6". Spread: 4-6". Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate.

VIOLA hederacea, Ivy Leaf Violet, Australian Violet VIOLA hederacea
Ivy Leaf Violet, Australian Violet

Perennial: Semi-evergreen. Drought tolerant. Native to Australia. Good ground cover, border, container or rock garden plant. Attracts butterflies. Bloom time: spring-summer. Bloom color: white w/ purple centers. Height: 4-6". Width: 6". Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z9.

VIOLA labradorica, Labrador Viola VIOLA labradorica
Labrador Viola

Perennial: Semi-evergreen. Drought tolerant. Small scale ground cover or use as filler between stepping stones or paving blocks. Reseeds. Attracts butterflies. Bloom time: spring-summer. Bloom color: dark purple. Height: 3 inches. Width: 6 inches. Exposure: part shade. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z2. Hardy to 0 deg. or below.

VIOLA odorata 'Royal Robe', Sweet Violet VIOLA odorata 'Royal Robe'
Sweet Violet

Perennial: Semi-evergreen. Drought tolerant. Deer resistant. Has heart shaped leaves & fragrant flowers rising on small flower stalks. Good cut flower, border, ground cover or pot plant. Attracts butterflies. Bloom time: winter-spring. Bloom color: violet blue. Height: 6-8". Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z4. Hardy to 10 degrees or below.

Photo unavailable VIOLA tricolor
Organic Johnny-Jump-Up, Heartsease Pansy

Annual. Self-seeding. When planted in beds near the lawn, they will eject their seeds into the thatch and eventually “jump up” in delightful colonies. The entire violet contains saponins and salicylates, traditionally used to treat allergic skin eruptions of children. Dislikes having its roots disturbed. Bloom time: spring & fall. Bloom color: deep velvety blue, purple & yellow. Exposure: shade. Height: 1' Spread: 6". Water: moist.

VIOLA x hybrida Magnifi Scent 'Delft Blue', Viola VIOLA x hybrida Magnifi Scent 'Delft Blue'

Annual/Perennial: The MagnifiScent series has been bred for beauty and fragrance! Blooms are medium to large, 1.5" in diameter. Good for all kinds of containers, borders and mass plantings. Heat tolerant. Attracts bees, butterflies & hummingbirds. Bloom time: spring-fall. Bloom color: frilled, white with bold delft blue edges. Vigorous, compact rounded habit. Height: 4-9 inches. Width: 4-9 inches. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z5.

VIOLA x hybrida Magnifi Scent 'Sweetheart', Viola VIOLA x hybrida Magnifi Scent 'Sweetheart'

Annual/Perennial: The MagnifiScent series has been bred for beauty and fragrance! Blooms are medium to large, 1.5" in diameter. Good for all kinds of containers, borders and mass plantings. Heat tolerant. Attracts bees, butterflies & hummingbirds. Bloom time: spring-fall. Bloom color: frilled, cream-primrose with mauve edges. Vigorous, compact rounded habit. Height: 4-9 inches. Width: 4-9 inches. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z5. PP #28,353

VIOLA x wittrockiana 'Atlas Black' (Pansy), Pansy VIOLA x wittrockiana 'Atlas Black' (Pansy)

Annual or Short-lived Perennial: A truly unique black pansy with 2-3 inch blooms that is stunning and dramatic. Pairs nicely with bright colors. Good bedding, border or container plant. Fragrant. Attracts bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. Bloom time: fall-spring. Bloom color: black with a yellow eye. Height: 6-8 inches. Width: 8-10 inches. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z4.

VIOLA x wittrockiana Delta Classic 'Pure Rose' (Pansy), Delta Classic Series Pansy VIOLA x wittrockiana Delta Classic 'Pure Rose' (Pansy)
Delta Classic Series Pansy

Annual: The Delta Classic series offer "classic" high demand colors, early flowering, large, showy blooms, and strong plants. Provides nice winter interest. Good bedding, border or container plant. Fragrant. Attracts bees, butterflies & hummingbirds. Large 2.5-3" upright flowers. Blooms: fall-spring. Bloom color: deep rose. Mounding growth habit. Height: 4-6". Width: 6-8". Exp.: sun/pt shade. Water: mod. USDA Z4.

VIOLA x wittrockiana Delta Speedy 'Clear Yellow', Delta Speedy Series Pansy VIOLA x wittrockiana Delta Speedy 'Clear Yellow'
Delta Speedy Series Pansy

Annual: The Delta Speedy series offers reliable fast crop times and masses of large, upward-facing blooms with strong weather tolerance. Provides nice winter interest. Good bedding, border or container plant. Fragrant. Attracts bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Bloom time: fall-spring. Bloom color: clear yellow. Mounding growth habit. Height: 4-8 inches. Width: 6-10 inches. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z4.

VIOLA x wittrockiana F1 Inspire 'Peach Shades' (Pansy), Inspire Pansy, Large-Flowered Pansy VIOLA x wittrockiana F1 Inspire 'Peach Shades' (Pansy)
Inspire Pansy, Large-Flowered Pansy

Annual or Short-lived Perennial: The Inspire series are bred for extreme weather conditions. Are bushy and compact, and they offer novelty colors. Good bedding, border, and container plant. Fragrant. Attracts bees, butterflies, & hummingbirds. Blooms: fall-spring. Color: shades of rose pink, apricot, honey, and cream with slight ruffling and occasional dramatic blotches. Height: 6-8 inches. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z4.

VIOLA x wittrockiana Majestic Giants II 'Blue Mid with Blotch', Majestic Giant Pansy VIOLA x wittrockiana Majestic Giants II 'Blue Mid with Blotch'
Majestic Giant Pansy

Annual or Short-lived Perennial: Heat tolerant. The Majestic Giants II series boasts huge 3-4" flowers and a great branching habit on strong, vigorous plants. Good bedding, border or container plant. Fragrant. Attracts bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. Bloom time: fall-spring. Bloom color: mid blue with a dark face. Height: 6-8 inches. Width: 6-8 inches. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z4.

VIOLA x wittrockiana Majestic Giants II 'Clear White' (Pansy), Majestic Giant Pansy VIOLA x wittrockiana Majestic Giants II 'Clear White' (Pansy)
Majestic Giant Pansy

Annual or Short-lived Perennial: Heat tolerant. The Majestic Giants II series boasts huge 3-4" flowers and a great branching habit on strong, vigorous plants. Good bedding, border or container plant. Fragrant. Attract bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. Bloom time: fall-spring. Bloom color: pure white with small yellow center. Height: 6-8 inches. Width: 6-8 inches. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z4.

VIOLA x wittrockiana Spring Matrix 'Deep Orange' (Pansy), Spring Matrix Pansy, Large-Flowered Pansy VIOLA x wittrockiana Spring Matrix 'Deep Orange' (Pansy)
Spring Matrix Pansy, Large-Flowered Pansy

Annual or Short-lived Perennial: The Spring Matrix series features superior branching, uniform flowering & habit, & blooms earlier than the Matrix series. The extra large 3" flowers are held on short, strong stems. Compact, vigorous & heavy-blooming. Good bedding, border or pot plant. Fragrant. Attracts bees, butterflies & hummingbirds. Blooms: fall-spring. Color: deep orange. Size: 6-8 in. x 8-10 in. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z4.

Photo unavailable WATERMELON 'Crimson Sweet'
Organic Watermelon

Quality & reliability make this an excellent variety. A classic, oblong 10” x 12” striped melon that weighs in at 15-25 lbs w/bt. dark-red, juicy, sweet flesh. It is famous for its flavor! The juice is so sweet, the melons will disappear from your refrigerator in no time flat. The fruits are light green w/dk green stripes. It was an All-American Selection winner in 1964. Resistant to fusarium wilt and anthracnose. Sun. (Maturity: 85 days)

Photo unavailable WATERMELON 'Sugar Baby'
Organic Watermelon

This is the standard for small (icebox) watermelons; saves space in the garden & refrigerator! Sweet & juicy. Excellent Northern, short-season type that produces reliable yields of 6-12 lb, perfectly round fruits, from 7-8.5” in diameter. Has a solid green rind & deep red flesh that resists cracking. This strain has been selected for cool growing conditions & high yields. Good resistance to drought & disease. Sun. (Maturity: 75 days)

Photo unavailable WATERMELON 'Tendersweet Orange'
Organic Watermelon, Picnic Watermelon

Heirloom. This is the standard for orange fleshed watermelons. Colorful & tasty! It is a long type w/markings similar to the Allsweet type (dark green w/lighter green strips). Excellent taste & texture. Has delicious orange, crisp, & sweet flesh w/a high sugar content. The strong rinds make it good for saving & shipping. Average fruit is 18" long & about 30-35 lbs. Maturity: 90-95 days. Picnic types are large enough for sharing. CITRULLUS lanatus 'Tendersweet Orange'.


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