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Photo unavailable LYSIMACHIA nummularia 'Goldilocks'
Creeping Jenny/Charlie, Moneywort

Perennial: Deer resistant. Coast tolerant. Evergreen ground cover, container and hanging basket plant-will spill over walls. Does well near streams. Attractive greenish gold foliage. Bloom time: summer. Bloom color: yellow. Height: 2-4 inches. Width: 2-3 feet. Exposure: sun/shade. Water: moist. Bog tolerant. USDA Z4.

MADIA elegans, Elegant Tarweed MADIA elegans
Elegant Tarweed

Annual: Deer, drought & clay tolerant. CA native to grasslands & open forests. Large, 2" daisy-like blms are solid ylw or may have a red spot at the base of each petal forming a ring. Bright, showy & pineapple scented! Blms mid-summer to fall. Late season nectar source for bees, butterflies & other beneficial insects. The seeds are loved by small mammals & birds, especially finches. Size: 3-4' x 3'. Full sun. Water: mod.-dry.

Photo unavailable MAMMILLARIA elongata
Ladyfingers Cactus

A very cool cactus native to Mexico. Small, ground cover cactus that bears about 16-24 steams per spread. Dense clusters with bright green erect stems with woolly, spiked areoles that are golden. Each stem grows up to 6" long. Bloom color: white, light yellow, or soft pink. Blooms in spiring. USDA: Z 9-11.

Photo unavailable MANDEVILLA laxa
Chilean Jasmine

Climber: Deciduous vine with bronze tinged leaves and clusters of large 3" trumpet-shaped fragrant flowers. Heavy bloomer with gardenia-like perfume. Bloom time: summer-fall. Bloom color: white. Height: 10-20'. Width: 15'. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z9. (syn. M. suaveolens)

Photo unavailable MANDEVILLA x 'Sun Parasol Cream Pink' (syn. 'Sunparapibra')

Perennial: Evergreen in frost-free areas. A vigorous tropical climber that produces abundant clusters of 2-3 inch creamy pink flowers. Dark glossy green leaves with excellent disease resistance. Great for containers, balconies, hanging baskets, beds and borders. Bloom time: late spring-fall. Compact, upright and branching growth habit. Height: 12-24 inches. Width: 24-36 inches. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate/moist. USDA Z10. (PP #19,649)

Photo unavailable MANGAVE 'Bloodspot'
Agave x Manfreda Hybrid

Shrub: Drought tolerant. A gorgeous hybrid of Japanese origin. Forms an upright, compact rosette. Grey-green leaves are dashed w/spots of cranberry & edged w/maroon. Lime green tubular flowers are displayed atop tall spikes. Perfect for smaller gardens, this slow grower rarely produces offsets. Attractive in rock gardens or combined w/other succulents. Elegant choice for containers. Ht.: 12" (6' w/flower) Width: 15". Exp.: full sun. Water: dry. USDA Z9.

Photo unavailable MANGAVE 'Macho Mocha'
Agave x Manfreda Hybrid

Shrub: Evergreen. Drought tolerant. A slow-growing succulent that forms a rosette. Thick, fleshy blue-green lvs are thickly covered w/reddish-brown spots, especially towards the tips. A reddish flower spike topped by creamy-white flowers rises from the center, at which time new plants emerge from below the rosette. Attracts hummingbirds. Bloom time: spring. Size: 2-3' (8' w/flower) x 4-6'. Exp.: full sun/part shade. USDA Z8.

Photo unavailable MANGAVE 'Purple Passion'
Agave x Manfreda Hybrid

Shrub: Drought and deer tolerant. Has long, fleshy, waxy leaves with reddish to eggplant hues-the color is more intense with more sun it has. The waxiness gives it a silvery appearance. Attractive in dry gardens, rock gardens, borders, containers, and combined with other succulents. Bloom time: infrequent. Forms a beautiful wide and flared rosette. Height: 18 inches. Exposure: sun/light shade. Water: dry. USDA Z9.

Photo unavailable MARIGOLD 'Queen Sophia'
Organic Dwarf French Marigold

Named for Queen Sofia of Spain. Compact, early blooming. Large, showy 2.5-3" fully double blooms are rusty red-orange with gold edges. Flowers change color as they mature. Good bed, border, container or cut flower plant. Deer resistant. Height: 10-12". Width: 6". Bloom time: spring-fall. Exposure: sun. Water: moderate.

Photo unavailable MARJORAM, SWEET-
Organic Marjoram

A milder, sweeter relative of oregano. Use fresh or dried. Like basil, pinch flowers to promote leaf growth. Many gardeners have successfully over-wintered this tender perennial, while others pot it up in the fall to bring delight to a winter kitchen. To dry, harvest stems to hang in bundles. Lvs can be easily stripped off when dry. Ht: 1-2 ft. Exp: sun. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z9-10. (Maturity: 85 days) (Origanum majorana)

MELIANTHUS major, Honey Bush MELIANTHUS major
Honey Bush

Evergreen shrub: Drought tolerant. Deer resistant. Has an irregular growth habit, where some branches sprawl and some are semi-erect. The foliage is grayish green to blue-gray. Bloom time: winter-spring. Bloom color: brownish crimson to deep brick-red. Ht: 6-10'. W: 3-10'. Exposure: sun. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z8.

Photo unavailable MELICA transsilvanica
MELISSA officinalis (Lemon Balm), Organic Lemon Balm MELISSA officinalis (Lemon Balm)
Organic Lemon Balm

Perennial. Lemon balm is a strongly aromatic herb with a lemony fragrance and excellent medicinal and culinary qualities. Best to use when fresh. Use in warm or cold drinks, deserts and salads. Great to use when cooking. Forms a nice green clump of heart shaped leaves 12-18" tall. Best to harvest in mid to late afternoon when the oils are strongest.
Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: mod. USDA Z4.

Photo unavailable MELON 'Ha'Ogen'
Organic Melon

Heirloom-This is an unusual but dependable variety classified as a Galia or Tropical type. It is early maturing, green-fleshed melon w/a unique look & pleasant flavor that is a refreshing, honeyed treat. The lt. grn flesh is smooth & juicy w/a relatively thin, smooth rind & sweet perfumey scent! The flesh is sweet & tangy. Melons avg. 2-3 lbs each. Short harvest window; collect when skin becomes ylw w/green ribbing. Plant in sun.

MENTHA requienii (Corsican Mint), Corsican Mint MENTHA requienii (Corsican Mint)
Corsican Mint

Perennial Herb: Great between stepping stones. Forms a dense carpet. Can take foot traffic. Releases a very fresh cleansing aroma when brushed against. This diminutive mint has long been used as flavoring for crème de menthe liqueur. Bloom time: summer. Bloom color: lavender. Height: less then an inch. Spread: indefinite (but not invasive). Exposure: sun-part shade: Water: moderate-moist. USDA Z7.

Photo unavailable MENTHA spicata 'Strawberry'
Strawberry Mint

Perennial Herb: An unusual mint with a fragrance resembling strawberry candy. Compact, bears small, mid-green leaves with a mild, fruity flavor. Lovely in fruit salads, makes a nice tea & the flowers themselves are edible. Excellent with chocolate. Fairly drought tolerant. Bee's love it!!! Attracts butterflies. Bloom color: pale lavender. Height: 10-12"'. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z4.

Photo unavailable MENTHA spicata (Spearmint)

Perennial Herb: Deer resistant. Wonderfully aromatic. Very versatile mint! Use as a flavoring or garnish, in teas, baths, as room deoderizer or as a mouth freshener! Best kept in containers to avoid spreading vigorously. Fairly drought tolerant. Attracts bees & butterflies. Bloom time: summer. Bloom color: lavender-pink. Height: 1.5-2'. Width: 4'. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z4.

MENTHA suaveolens (Apple Mint), Apple Mint MENTHA suaveolens (Apple Mint)
Apple Mint

Perennial Herb: Apple Mint is both less invasive than other mint plants & has a sweeter flavor. Wonderful fruity scent, an apple-menthol fragrance that is delightful. Very versatile! Use as a flavoring or garnish, in teas, jellies, baths, as room deoderizer or as a mouth freshener. Fairly drought tolerant. Attracts bees & butterflies. Blm time: spring-summer. Blm color: white or pale pink. Height: 24". Width: 24". Exp.: sun/pt shade. Water: mod. USDA Z5.

Photo unavailable MENTHA x piperita 'After Eight'

Perennial Herb: Easy going with a splendid chocolate-mint flavor. Grows with very little effort but will add a very unique surprising taste to your after eight tea cup. Combines well with everything chocolate: ice-cream, cakes, cookies, icing, mousse, puddings, hot chocolate or coat the leaves in melted chocolate. Attracts butterflies & bees. Blm time: summer. Blm color: white. Ht: 18-24". Exp: sun/part shade. Water: mod. USDA Z6.

Photo unavailable MENTHA x piperita 'Chocolate'
Chocolate Peppermint

Perennial Herb: Deer resistant. Refreshing, chocolate/peppermint patty aroma. A fantastic mint for desserts, garnishes & making teas. Its subtle chocolaty tones paired w/the sharp hints of peppermint make this a delicious variety when blended w/Kentucky Colonel or Orange Mint. Good in containers or hanging baskets. Fairly drought tolerant. Blm time: spring-summer. Blm color: white or pale lavender. Ht: 24". Width: 24". Exp.: sun/pt shade. Water: mod. USDA Z4.

Photo unavailable MENTHA x piperita 'Orange'
Orange Bergamot Mint

Perennial Herb: Deer resistant. Purple-edged, dark green leaves. A delicious mint perfect for summer drinks and fruit salads. The citrus flavor is a bright alternative to regular mints and works well in salads, with fruits, in fish & poultry dishes or as a tea. Excellent hanging basket plant. Fairly drought tolerant. Bloom time: spring-summer. Bloom color: lavender. Height: 24". Width: 24'. Exp.: sun/part shade. Water: mod. USDA Z4.

MICROMERIA fruticosa, White Savory, Wild Hyssop MICROMERIA fruticosa
White Savory, Wild Hyssop

Perennial Herb: Evergreen. Drought tolerant. Native to Israel & the eastern Mediterranean. Used in the Middle East to treat various inflammatory conditions. Steep to make a minty tea. Contains pulegone, which should not be taken by pregnant women or those trying to conceive. Good container, border or rock garden plant. Aromatic. Blm time: summer-fall. Blm color: white. Size: 24" x 24". Exp: sun. Water: mod.


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