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PETCHOA Supercal Premium 'Cinnamon', Supercal Series Petchoa PETCHOA Supercal Premium 'Cinnamon'
Supercal Series Petchoa

Perennial: Combines the best characteristics of Petunia & Calibrachoa; strong vigor, exceptional flower power & lush foliage. Displays a stunning mass of vibrant flowers. Disease resistant w/no sticky foliage. Ideal for hanging baskets, window boxes, container & mass planting. Blms: spring-fall. Blm. color: shades of rusty red-orng w/ylw throat. Size: 14-20" x 14-22". Exp: sun. Water: mod. Needs good drainage. Z10. PPAF

Photo unavailable PETUNIA 'Durabloom Red'
Durabloom Series Petunia

Annual or Tender Perennial: Deer resistant. The Durabloom series provides well-branched, large, brightly-colored blooms spring-summer. Bred for durability, its strong roots are meant to endure heat & drought. Great for hanging baskets, pots or as a ground cover. Attracts butterflies & hummers. Blooms: bright red. Ht: 9-12". W: 12-24". Trailing growth habit. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: mod./dry. USDA Z9.

PETUNIA 'Veranda Compact Double Peppermint', Veranda Series Petunia PETUNIA 'Veranda Compact Double Peppermint'
Veranda Series Petunia

Annual or Tender Perennial: Deer tolerant. The Veranda series are compact and bred with a focus on weather resistance and earliness to flower. Great for borders, mass planting, hanging baskets, & containers. Attracts butterflies & hummingbirds. Bloom time: spring-fall. Bloom color: double blooms of white with hot pink stripes. Height: 12-14 inches. Width: 12 inches. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate/moist. USDA Z9.

PETUNIA 'Veranda Compact Double Sugar Plum', Veranda Series Petunia PETUNIA 'Veranda Compact Double Sugar Plum'
Veranda Series Petunia

Annual or Tender Perennial: Deer tolerant. The Veranda series are compact and bred with a focus on weather resistance and earliness to flower. Great for borders, mass planting, hanging baskets, & containers. Attracts butterflies & hummingbirds. Bloom time: spring-fall. Bloom color: double blooms of lavender-purple with darker veining. Height: 12-14 inches. Width: 12 inches. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate/moist. USDA Z9.

PETUNIA Cascadias 'Indian Summer', PETUNIA Cascadias 'Indian Summer'

Early blooming trailer with eye-catching blooms. Large, lightly ruffled, velvety blossoms are a variation of Indian summer colors in shades of yellow, orange & pink. Good container, border or edging plant. Bloom time: spring-summer. Height: 8-18". Width: 36-48". Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z9-11

PETUNIA Crazytunia 'Black & White', Crazytunia Series Petunia PETUNIA Crazytunia 'Black & White'
Crazytunia Series Petunia

The Crazytunias are a collection of unique petunias w/exciting flower colors, patterns & exceptional heat tolerance. Vigorous. Uniform, mounding habit. Good for hanging baskets, mixed containers or as a ground cover. Attracts butterflies & hummingbirds. Bloom time: spring-summer. Bloom color: white petals with a black center. Height: 6-12 inches. Width:12-20 inches. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate.

PETUNIA Crazytunia 'Black Mamba', Crazytunia Series Petunia PETUNIA Crazytunia 'Black Mamba'
Crazytunia Series Petunia

The Crazytunias are a collection of unique petunias w/exciting flower colors, patterns & exceptional heat tolerance. Considered to be one of the blackest petunias on the market. Vigorous. Uniform, mounding habit. Good for hanging baskets, mixed containers or as a ground cover. Attracts butterflies & hummingbirds. Blm time: spring-summer. Blm color: large, velvety rich black. Ht: 10". Spd.: 12". Exp: sun/part shade. Water: mod.

PETUNIA Crazytunia 'Blackberry Cheesecake', Crazytunia Series Petunia PETUNIA Crazytunia 'Blackberry Cheesecake'
Crazytunia Series Petunia

The Crazytunias are a collection of petunias w/exciting blm colors, patterns & exceptional heat tolerance. Each is uniquely patterned resembling a bite of blackberry cheesecake! Uniform, mounding habit. Good for hanging baskets, mixed containers or as a ground cover. Attracts butterflies & hummingbirds. Blooms: spring-summer. Bloom color: soft lemon ylw swirled w/plum. Ht: 18-24". Sp: 6-10". Exp: sun/part shade. Water: mod.

PETUNIA Crazytunia 'Blue Picotee', Crazytunia Series Petunia PETUNIA Crazytunia 'Blue Picotee'
Crazytunia Series Petunia

The Crazytunias are a collection of unique petunias with exciting flower colors, patterns and exceptional heat tolerance. Vigorous. Uniform, mounding habit. Good for hanging baskets, mixed containers or as a ground cover. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Bloom time: spring-fall. Bloom color: blue violet with white edges. Height: 6-12 inches. Width: 12-18 inches. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate.

PETUNIA Crazytunia 'Cosmic Pink', Crazytunia Series Petunia PETUNIA Crazytunia 'Cosmic Pink'
Crazytunia Series Petunia

The Crazytunias are a collection of petunias w/exciting blm colors, patterns & exceptional heat tolerance. Uniform, mounding habit. Good for hanging baskets, mixed containers or as a ground cover. Attracts butterflies & hummingbirds. Blooms: spring-summer. Bloom color: deep magenta w/ a neon pink trim. Ht:6-10". Sp:8-12". Exp: sun/part shade. Water: mod. USDA Z9-11.

PETUNIA Crazytunia 'Cosmic Purple', Crazytunia Series Petunia PETUNIA Crazytunia 'Cosmic Purple'
Crazytunia Series Petunia

The Crazytunias are a collection of petunias w/exciting blm colors, patterns & exceptional heat tolerance. Uniform, mounding habit. Good for hanging baskets, mixed containers or as a ground cover. Attracts butterflies & hummingbirds. Blooms: spring-summer. Bloom color: deep burgundy w/ a neon pink trim. Ht:6-10". Sp:8-12". Exp: sun/part shade. Water: mod. USDA Z9-11.


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