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Photo unavailable MANDEVILLA x 'Sun Parasol Cream Pink' (syn. 'Sunparapibra')

Perennial: Evergreen in frost-free areas. A vigorous tropical climber that produces abundant clusters of 2-3 inch creamy pink flowers. Dark glossy green leaves with excellent disease resistance. Great for containers, balconies, hanging baskets, beds and borders. Bloom time: late spring-fall. Compact, upright and branching growth habit. Height: 12-24 inches. Width: 24-36 inches. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate/moist. USDA Z10. (PP #19,649)

Photo unavailable MANGAVE 'Bloodspot'
Agave x Manfreda Hybrid

Shrub: Drought tolerant. A gorgeous hybrid of Japanese origin. Forms an upright, compact rosette. Grey-green leaves are dashed w/spots of cranberry & edged w/maroon. Lime green tubular flowers are displayed atop tall spikes. Perfect for smaller gardens, this slow grower rarely produces offsets. Attractive in rock gardens or combined w/other succulents. Elegant choice for containers. Ht.: 12" (6' w/flower) Width: 15". Exp.: full sun. Water: dry. USDA Z9.

Photo unavailable MANGAVE 'Macho Mocha'
Agave x Manfreda Hybrid

Shrub: Evergreen. Drought tolerant. A slow-growing succulent that forms a rosette. Thick, fleshy blue-green lvs are thickly covered w/reddish-brown spots, especially towards the tips. A reddish flower spike topped by creamy-white flowers rises from the center, at which time new plants emerge from below the rosette. Attracts hummingbirds. Bloom time: spring. Size: 2-3' (8' w/flower) x 4-6'. Exp.: full sun/part shade. USDA Z8.

Photo unavailable MANGAVE 'Purple Passion'
Agave x Manfreda Hybrid

Shrub: Drought and deer tolerant. Has long, fleshy, waxy leaves with reddish to eggplant hues-the color is more intense with more sun it has. The waxiness gives it a silvery appearance. Attractive in dry gardens, rock gardens, borders, containers, and combined with other succulents. Bloom time: infrequent. Forms a beautiful wide and flared rosette. Height: 18 inches. Exposure: sun/light shade. Water: dry. USDA Z9.

Photo unavailable MARIGOLD 'Queen Sophia'
Organic Dwarf French Marigold

Named for Queen Sofia of Spain. Compact, early blooming. Large, showy 2.5-3" fully double blooms are rusty red-orange with gold edges. Flowers change color as they mature. Good bed, border, container or cut flower plant. Deer resistant. Height: 10-12". Width: 6". Bloom time: spring-fall. Exposure: sun. Water: moderate.

Photo unavailable MARJORAM, SWEET-
Organic Marjoram

A milder, sweeter relative of oregano. Use fresh or dried. Like basil, pinch flowers to promote leaf growth. Many gardeners have successfully over-wintered this tender perennial, while others pot it up in the fall to bring delight to a winter kitchen. To dry, harvest stems to hang in bundles. Lvs can be easily stripped off when dry. Ht: 1-2 ft. Exp: sun. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z9-10. (Maturity: 85 days) (Origanum majorana)

MELIANTHUS major, Honey Bush MELIANTHUS major
Honey Bush

Evergreen shrub: Drought tolerant. Deer resistant. Has an irregular growth habit, where some branches sprawl and some are semi-erect. The foliage is grayish green to blue-gray. Bloom time: winter-spring. Bloom color: brownish crimson to deep brick-red. Ht: 6-10'. W: 3-10'. Exposure: sun. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z8.

Photo unavailable MELICA transsilvanica
MELISSA officinalis (Lemon Balm), Organic Lemon Balm MELISSA officinalis (Lemon Balm)
Organic Lemon Balm

Perennial. Lemon balm is a strongly aromatic herb with a lemony fragrance and excellent medicinal and culinary qualities. Best to use when fresh. Use in warm or cold drinks, deserts and salads. Great to use when cooking. Forms a nice green clump of heart shaped leaves 12-18" tall. Best to harvest in mid to late afternoon when the oils are strongest.
Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: mod. USDA Z4.

Photo unavailable MELON 'Ha'Ogen'
Organic Melon

Heirloom-This is an unusual but dependable variety classified as a Galia or Tropical type. It is early maturing, green-fleshed melon w/a unique look & pleasant flavor that is a refreshing, honeyed treat. The lt. grn flesh is smooth & juicy w/a relatively thin, smooth rind & sweet perfumey scent! The flesh is sweet & tangy. Melons avg. 2-3 lbs each. Short harvest window; collect when skin becomes ylw w/green ribbing. Plant in sun.

MENTHA requienii (Corsican Mint), Corsican Mint MENTHA requienii (Corsican Mint)
Corsican Mint

Perennial Herb: Great between stepping stones. Forms a dense carpet. Can take foot traffic. Releases a very fresh cleansing aroma when brushed against. This diminutive mint has long been used as flavoring for crème de menthe liqueur. Bloom time: summer. Bloom color: lavender. Height: less then an inch. Spread: indefinite (but not invasive). Exposure: sun-part shade: Water: moderate-moist. USDA Z7.

Photo unavailable MENTHA spicata 'Strawberry'
Strawberry Mint

Perennial Herb: An unusual mint with a fragrance resembling strawberry candy. Compact, bears small, mid-green leaves with a mild, fruity flavor. Lovely in fruit salads, makes a nice tea & the flowers themselves are edible. Excellent with chocolate. Fairly drought tolerant. Bee's love it!!! Attracts butterflies. Bloom color: pale lavender. Height: 10-12"'. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z4.

Photo unavailable MENTHA spicata (Spearmint)

Perennial Herb: Deer resistant. Wonderfully aromatic. Very versatile mint! Use as a flavoring or garnish, in teas, baths, as room deoderizer or as a mouth freshener! Best kept in containers to avoid spreading vigorously. Fairly drought tolerant. Attracts bees & butterflies. Bloom time: summer. Bloom color: lavender-pink. Height: 1.5-2'. Width: 4'. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z4.

MENTHA suaveolens (Apple Mint), Apple Mint MENTHA suaveolens (Apple Mint)
Apple Mint

Perennial Herb: Apple Mint is both less invasive than other mint plants & has a sweeter flavor. Wonderful fruity scent, an apple-menthol fragrance that is delightful. Very versatile! Use as a flavoring or garnish, in teas, jellies, baths, as room deoderizer or as a mouth freshener. Fairly drought tolerant. Attracts bees & butterflies. Blm time: spring-summer. Blm color: white or pale pink. Height: 24". Width: 24". Exp.: sun/pt shade. Water: mod. USDA Z5.

Photo unavailable MENTHA x piperita 'After Eight'

Perennial Herb: Easy going with a splendid chocolate-mint flavor. Grows with very little effort but will add a very unique surprising taste to your after eight tea cup. Combines well with everything chocolate: ice-cream, cakes, cookies, icing, mousse, puddings, hot chocolate or coat the leaves in melted chocolate. Attracts butterflies & bees. Blm time: summer. Blm color: white. Ht: 18-24". Exp: sun/part shade. Water: mod. USDA Z6.

Photo unavailable MENTHA x piperita 'Chocolate'
Chocolate Peppermint

Perennial Herb: Deer resistant. Refreshing, chocolate/peppermint patty aroma. A fantastic mint for desserts, garnishes & making teas. Its subtle chocolaty tones paired w/the sharp hints of peppermint make this a delicious variety when blended w/Kentucky Colonel or Orange Mint. Good in containers or hanging baskets. Fairly drought tolerant. Blm time: spring-summer. Blm color: white or pale lavender. Ht: 24". Width: 24". Exp.: sun/pt shade. Water: mod. USDA Z4.

Photo unavailable MENTHA x piperita 'Orange'
Orange Bergamot Mint

Perennial Herb: Deer resistant. Purple-edged, dark green leaves. A delicious mint perfect for summer drinks and fruit salads. The citrus flavor is a bright alternative to regular mints and works well in salads, with fruits, in fish & poultry dishes or as a tea. Excellent hanging basket plant. Fairly drought tolerant. Bloom time: spring-summer. Bloom color: lavender. Height: 24". Width: 24'. Exp.: sun/part shade. Water: mod. USDA Z4.

MICROMERIA fruticosa, White Savory, Wild Hyssop MICROMERIA fruticosa
White Savory, Wild Hyssop

Perennial Herb: Evergreen. Drought tolerant. Native to Israel & the eastern Mediterranean. Used in the Middle East to treat various inflammatory conditions. Steep to make a minty tea. Contains pulegone, which should not be taken by pregnant women or those trying to conceive. Good container, border or rock garden plant. Aromatic. Blm time: summer-fall. Blm color: white. Size: 24" x 24". Exp: sun. Water: mod.

MILIUM effusum 'Aureum' (syn. 'Bowles Golden'), Wood Millet MILIUM effusum 'Aureum' (syn. 'Bowles Golden')
Wood Millet

Perennial Grass: One of the best grasses for part shade/shade. Tufting semi-evergreen foliage gently arches & fades in summer. Uses: woodland, rock & water gardens, borders, ground cover & with ferns & hostas. Blooms spring-summer w/dainty greenish yellow spikelets 12-18" above the 6-18" foliage. Attracts butterflies. Deer resistant. Water: moist. USDA Z6-10.

MIMULUS 'Pat's Best', Bush or Sticky Monkey Flower MIMULUS 'Pat's Best'
Bush or Sticky Monkey Flower

Evergreen Shrub: This plant was given to us by Maile Arnold. We belive it to be an aurantiacus type. Sticky oblong foliage carrying trumpet shaped blooms from late summer to autumn. Nice border plant. Prune periodically to keep plant shapely. Native to California. Bloom color: orange. Size: 2' x 2'. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate to moist. USDA Z7-10.

Photo unavailable MIMULUS aurantiacus
Bush or Sticky Monkey Flower

Evergreen Shrub: Tolerant of drought, bog, clay, deer & gophers. Sticky foliage carries trumpet shaped blooms from late summer-autumn. Nice border plant. Native to Cal. & Oregon. Attracts butterfllies & hummers. Bloom color: orange, deep yellow or dark red. Size: 3-4' x 3-4'. Sun/part shade. Water: moderate/moist. USDA Z7-10. (syn. DIPLACUS aurantiacus).

Photo unavailable MIMULUS aurantiacus 'Jelly Bean Fiesta Marigold'
Bush or Sticky Monkey Flower

Evergreen Shrub: Sticky oblong foliage carrying trumpet shaped blooms from late summer to autumn. Nice border plant. Prune periodically to keep plant shapely. Native to California and Oregon. Bloom color: amber-red edged in gold. Size: 1-2' x 1-2'. Semi-trailing habit. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate to moist. USDA Z7-10 (syn. DIPLACUS aurantiacus).


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