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ROSA 'Dolly Parton' Hybrid Tea So fragrant, that one or two blooms can fill a room with an intoxicating fragrance! The bright orange-red 6" double blooms have a petal count of 35-40 and is a showstopper in the garden. Repeat blooms in flushes throughout the season. Glossy, medium green foliage. Good bed, border, container and cut flower. Vigorous, upright, bushy and medium growth habit. Height: 3-5 feet. Width: 2-4 feet. USDA Z6-10. (1983) |
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ROSA 'Double Delight' (=ANDeli) Hybrid Tea 1977 AARS. This rose hits you twice w/its enticing spicy scent & beautiful bicolored blms! Pointed buds open to creamy wht brushed w/dp red on long, sturdy stems are great in a vase. The 4-6 blms have a petal count of 35 & held over matte green folg. Vigorous shrubby habit. Size: 4 x 3-4. Repeat bloomer spring-fall. Good disease resist. but can occasionally get powdery mildew in cool, damp climates. Heat tolerant. USDA Z4. |
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ROSA 'Earth Angel Parfuma' (= 'Korgeowim') (own root) Floribunda (PP #26,836) Rich fragrance. Romantic blooms. Robust Health! Abundant trusses of petal-packed, peony-like 2" blooms are held on glossy green foliage & bloom continuously from late spring-late fall. Heavily scented with citrus, raspberries & sweet rose. Great for borders, hedges & bridal arrangements. Ht: 3-5 ft. Width: 3-4 ft. Hardy & disease resistant. Adapts to a range of conditions from hot and humid to cold weather. Exposure: full sun. Water: moderate. USDA Z5. |
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ROSA 'Easy Does It' Floribunda 2010 AARS. Produces large, colorful clusters in swirls of mango-orange, peachy-pink & ripe apricot from late spring to fall. Moderately fruity fragrance. Pointed buds open to double 3.5" ruffled blooms. Excellent disease resistance. Good in borders & in groups. Medium, rounded habit: 3-4' x 3-4'. |
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ROSA 'Eden' (syn. 'Pierre Ronsard', 'Eden Climber', MEIviolin) (own root) Climbing Rose A beautiful climber & named Worlds Best Rose in 2006 by World Fed. of Rose Societies. Has good vigor, bloom & disease resistance. Fragrant & fully double, 4.5 cupped blooms are creamy white and pastel pink. Repeat blooming and great cut flower. As a climber, 8-12 ft. in height x 6 ft. in width. Can prune into a shrub. It can be slow to establish, but have patience! Hardy & shade tolerant. USDA Z5-10. (1985) PP#6,892 |
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ROSA 'Edith's Darling' (own root) Shrub Another Rose named for the award-winning British television series Downtown Abbey. It is a tribute to Lady Edith and her daughter Marigold. The joy Edith finds in her daughter is the same joy you will feel when growing this rose. Produces medium 2 1/2-3"-soft apricot-gold blms w/lighter edge. Strong, fruity fragrance. Petal count: 50-65. Rounded and compact habit. Blms: summer. Ht:3'. ('All a'Twitter' x 'Julia Child') USDA Z6. PPAF |
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ROSA 'Elle' Hybrid Tea 2005 AARS Award winner. Hybrid Tea Rose. A 5" 50 petal count, high centered, classic bloom with shades of pink, apricot and cream tones. This rose is a great shrub for smaller yards and large pots, due to its compact, bushy growth habit and flower color. A good cut flower with a strong fragrance that is slightly spicy. Above average tolerance to black spot and mildew. Size: 3-5' x 2-3'. Bloom time: spring - frost. Light: full sun. Water: moderate. USDA Z: 7-10. |
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ROSA 'Emily Bronte' (syn. 'Ausearnshaw') David Austin English Rose A very beautiful rose w/blms that are neat & rather flat. Blooms in flushes throughout the season with soft pink flowers with a subtle apricot hue with the center deepening to rich apricot. Strong tea fragrance of Old Rose with hints of lemon and grapefruit are on large blooms with a petal count of 40-100+. Bushy growth that is strong, healthy and upright. Matte foliage. Good border, hedge, and container plant. Height: 4-5 feet. Width: 3-4 feet. Shade tolerant. USDA Z5. (2018) |
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ROSA 'Eureka' Floribunda Shades of yellow, apricot & gold are mixed all together on this new rose. The 4" blooms are old-fashioned in form & are found in big colorful clusters. It is easy to grow, vigorous and is wonderful for beds or in the landscape either alone or in masses. Excellent disease resistance. Medium/rounded to slightly spilling habit, 3.5' x 3'. (PPAF) |
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ROSA 'Eureka' Floribunda Shades of yellow, apricot & gold are mixed all together on this new rose. The 4" blooms are old-fashioned in form & are found in big colorful clusters. It is easy to grow, vigorous and is wonderful for beds or in the landscape either alone or in masses. Excellent disease resistance. Medium/rounded to slightly spilling habit, 3.5' x 3'. (PPAF) |
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ROSA 'Eustacia Vye' (syn. 'Ausegdon') (own root) David Austin English Rose A beautiful rose of soft, glowing apricot-pink, each bloom packed with numerous ruffled petals. Held on red-tinged stems, the blooms begin as shallow cups, opening to full rosettes, revealing petals of a richer hue, which pale over time. They have a delicious strong fruity fragrance. A very healthy variety. It makes a strong, vigorous shrub with bushy, upright growth. Ht: 4-5 ft. Width: 2-3 ft. Petal count: up to 90. Repeat flowering. USDA Z4-11. (2019) PP #32,981 |
ROSA 'Evelyn' David Austin English Rose A lovely old-fashioned rose w/a very strong perfume fragrance. Named for Crabtree & Evelyn, who used it for their perfumes. Large, very full blooms of apricot & yellow tones have a hint of pink & form a perfect, broad shallow cup w/over 40 petals per blossom. Strong, upright: 4-6' x 3'. Flowers continuously & profusely with lots of blooms. (1991) Patent #8680 |
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ROSA 'Firefighter' Hybrid Tea This is the first sponsorship rose for the 'Remember Me' garden fund. Proceeds of each rose sold helps contribute to the fund, geared to honor 9/11 victims. A hybrid tea with long stems that carry very fragrant, fully double, intense red blooms, set off by small, semi-glossy foliage. Color is better in cooler temps. Near thornless stems make for a nice shrub near walkways. Size: 5-6' x 3'. USDA Z6-9 |
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ROSA 'Forever Amber' (='Wekcaspetono') Floribunda A pretty rose with a moderately fruity scent and pretty frilly flowers. The pointed buds open to light apricot old-fashioned blooms that are borne in clusters of 3-4. Each 3.5-4" flower is packed with 45-50 petals and they bloom in flushes throughout the season. Neat, rounded and bushy growth habit. Good hedge and border plant. Height: 18-36 inches. Width: 16-30 inches. Glossy, dark green foliage. Disease resistant. USDA Z5-10. (2021) PP#34,234 |
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ROSA 'Francis Meilland' Hybrid Tea A tall stately rose with very large old-fashion shaped 5" blooms. Strong fruit & citrus fragrance. Named for the legendary breeder of the Peace rose in honor of his 100th birthday. 2013 AARS winner. Soft, shell pink color will appear early in the season turning white w/ age. Blooms will be white most of the year, especially in the heat of summer. Great cut rose. Extremely disease resistant. Size: 6-7' x 3'. Petal count: 60-65. USDA Z5. USPP# 19,970 |
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ROSA 'Fun in the Sun' Grandiflora Time to get out and enjoy Fun in the Sun. This English style rose bloom has over 50+ petals that make its own statment, only to radiate with light pink outer petals and a buttery yellow center, that evoke the days of summer. Come out and enjoy the strong fragrance of fruit and spice that are nestled amongst rich, green foliage and high disease resistance. Ideal for floral arrangements as well as the landscape. Size: 4.5' x 3-4' USDA Z5-9 |
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ROSA 'Gabriel Oak' (syn. 'Auscrowd') David Austin English Rose (Shrub) A great rose with large, 3-4" many petalled blooms that is an eyecatcher! The blooms are a beautiful deep pink with outer petals that fade with age. The beauty is enhanced by a wonderful, strong fruity fragrance. A vigorous habit forming a shapely, broad, rounded shrub with mulberry purple stems & dark green foliage, giving the impression of richness & abundance. Height: 4 feet. Width: 4 feet. Repeat flowering. Petal count: up to 125. USDA Z4-11. (2019) PP #32,849 |
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ROSA 'George Burns' (='Wekcalroc') Floribunda A unique multicolor rose with stripes of yellow, deep red, rose pink and cream. The rounded buds swirl open into large, 4" ruffled flowers that have a petal count of 30-35 and carries a citrus, fruity fragrance. The foliage is large, clean, and deep green. Rounded, upright growth habit. Good for beds, borders, containers and cut flower gardens. Height: 30-42 inches. Good disease resistance. USDA Z3. (1997) PP #10,334 |
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ROSA 'Gertrude Jekyll' David Austin English Rose This rose has true old rose style blooms. It produces full petaled rosettes that spiral from the center. The rich, bright pink, 4 inch blooms pale to a lighter shade of pink. Tall, vigorous bush with a strong Damask fragrance. Repeat blooming. Cut back to encourage new blooms. Tall growth habit, 4-5 feet (1986) (PP#6220) |
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ROSA 'Golden Celebration' (=Ausgold) (own root) David Austin English Rose (Modern Shrub) Possibly the most beautiful yellow English Rose! Best shrub & most fragrant rose at the Rose Awards Day 2000. Very frgrnt gldn yellow 3-5 blms. form a giant, full-petaled cup-inner petals curving inward & outer petals flex back. Cut flower, exhibition rose & repeat bloomer. Relatively disease resist. Reliable & easy to grow. Rounded & slightly arching, ht 4-5' x 4-5'. 8-10 climber in mild climes. Shd. tol. USDA Z4. PP#8688 |
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ROSA 'Golden Opportunity' (cv. WEKausujucton) Climber This beauty delivers a profusion of golden yellow, double 4" blooms with a fruity scent that attracts pollinators and people! Makes a great cut flower. Disease resistant glossy green foliage. Vigorous growth habit. Use as a privacy screen or on pergolas and trellises. Height: 8-10 feet. Width: 4-6 feet. Exposure: sun/part shade. USDA Z5. PPAF |
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ROSA 'Golden Showers' Large Flowered Climber Produces clusters of semi-double, golden-yellow blooms with ruffled petals. Blooms spring to late fall on new and old wood with a sweet honey-like fragrance. Disease resistant. Reblooms. Pillar or wall rose. Robust and upright, 10-14 feet. Tolerant of some shade. Narrow habit-good in small landscapes. (1957) |
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ROSA 'Good As Gold' Hybrid Tea Bold, beautiful color! The 4-5 orange-gold flowers are flushed with red & make great cut flowers on long stems. The blooms are nicely scented with grapefruit & citrus & have an average petal count of 30. This rose adds a nice pop of vibrant color to the garden! It is not for the pastel lover! Nice in borders and containers. Upright & bushy, ht 5 feet. Disease resistant deep, glossy green foliage. USDA Z5. (2014: Carruth) PPAF |
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ROSA 'Heavenly Scented' (='Wekvodomer') Hybrid Tea Wonderful old fashioned blooms are held on upright stems that make great cut flowers. The large, vibrant blooms have a classic scent with a strong, sweet, fruity and spice fragrance. The smooth and splendid pink blooms have salmon and apricot tones and are 4-5 inches in size with a petal count of 60-130. It blooms late spring to fall on a tall, upright shrub. Height: 4-6 feet. Width: 2-3 feet. Disease resistant. USDA Z4. (2023) PPAF |
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ROSA 'Honey Dijon' (='Weksproulses') Grandiflora (Hybrid Tea) An unusual color described as warm, golden carmel brown with pink tinges at the petal ends, or mustard to taupe, & also tan to warm honey. Either way, this beauty has 4-5" double, clustered blooms with a petal count of 24-39 with a strong, fruity fragrant. It is a great cut flower for vases or bouquets. Medium, bushy, mounding growth habit. Good garden, hedge & shrub rose. Ht: 3-5 ft. Width: 4 ft. Repeat blooms. Strong disease resistance. USDA Z5. (2005) PP #17,822 |