This is one of the great all time climbing roses. The deep apricot blooms blend and fade to light apricot. The flowers are 5 inches across, with 20 to 25 petals per blossom and borne in clusters of 3-4 buds. Thick, glossy green leaves. Fruity and strong fragrance. Climbing: 8-10'. Hybridized by Dr. Dennis Morey. 1960 Portland Gold Medal.
(Large Flowered Climber): This is one of the great all time climbing roses. The deep apricot blooms blend and fade to light apricot. The flowers are 5 across, with 20 to 25 petals per blossom and borne in clusters of 3-4 buds. Thick, glossy green leaves. Fruity and strong fragrance. Climbing: 8-10 feet. Hybridized by Dr. Dennis Morey. 1960 Portland Gold Medal.