RHAPHIDOPHORA decursiva (syn. PHILODENDRON raphidophora decur.) (#RHADEC6)

RHAPHIDOPHORA decursiva (syn. PHILODENDRON raphidophora decur.)

This plant is displayed for reference purposes only; we no longer grow or sell it.

Climber: Evergreen. The glossy, dark green leaves begin solid and split (fenestrate) as the plant matures, taking on a palm like look with age. Overall leaves size can be over 3 feet long! Height: 50-60 feet, climbing: USDA Z10-12. Indoors: Provide indirect, bright light. Water: when dry. Height: 6-8 feet. Width: 3-4 feet. Stake when needed. Wipe leaves as they become dusty. Air purifier. Toxic to humans and pets if ingested.

Available sizes

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