PEPEROMIA prostrata 'Pixie' (syn. P. orba 'Pixie') (#PEPPIX4)

PEPEROMIA prostrata 'Pixie' (syn. P. orba 'Pixie')

This plant is displayed for reference purposes only; we no longer grow or sell it.

Succulent Herb: Native to Central America. Each furry tear-drop shaped leaf has a white stripe down the center. The blooms are held on tall flower spikes. Bloom time: summer. Bloom color: pale green and white. Small, bushy, upright growth habit. Height: 4-8 inches. Width: 6-8 inches. Exposure: part shade. USDA Z10-11. Indoors as a houseplant: bright indirect sunlight. Allow to dry out between waterings. Has mild toxicity. Use caution with children and pets.

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