PEPPER, HOT 'Hungarian Hot Wax' (#PEPHHW4-OG)

PEPPER, HOT 'Hungarian Hot Wax'

This plant is displayed for reference purposes only; we no longer grow or sell it.

Hungarian heirloom that is excellent for short season areas. Ylw hot pepper with 5 œ” x 1 œ” smooth, waxy fruits tapering to a point. Easy to stuff & to peel after roasting; thick-fleshed for frying. Peppers change from yellow-orange-red, and make the prettiest pickled peppers. On the Scoville scale, rates between 1,000 & 15,000 Scoville units in heat. Size: 18-24” x 18”. Full sun. (Maturity: 55 days pale yellow, 85 days ripe red).

Available sizes

Sorry; we are currently out of stock on this plant.