1925 Watt Richardson intro.1933 AAS Winner.1936 Henry A Dreer Seed Co. stated: "This new muskmelon is outstanding for the delicious sweetness & rich aroma of its tender, luscious, salmon-colored flesh. The fruits are almost round. They are of medium size but have extremely thick flesh surrounding the small seed cavity. The skin of the heavy fruits is a gray-green color showing a rough netting. Vigorous & wilt resistant. Yields 5-7, 3-7 lb fruits. Mature: 75-90 days.
CANTALOUPE 'Honey Rock' (aka 'Sugar Rock') (CUCUMIS melo 'Honey Rock') (#CANHOR4-OG)
CANTALOUPE 'Honey Rock' (aka 'Sugar Rock') (CUCUMIS melo 'Honey Rock')
Available sizes
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