Archived Plants List

The plants in this list are displayed for reference purposes only; we no longer grow or sell them.

Botanical name Common name
VIOLA x wittrockiana Cool Wave 'Strawberry Swirl' (Pansy) Cool Wave Pansy
VIOLA x wittrockiana Delta Premium 'Blue Morpho' (Pansy) Delta Premium Pansy
VIOLA x wittrockiana Delta Premium 'Pure Violet' (Pansy) Delta Premium Pansy
VIOLA x wittrockiana Delta Premium 'Pure White' (Pansy) Delta Premium Pansy
VIOLA x wittrockiana Delta Premium 'Pure Yellow' (Pansy) Delta Premium Pansy
VIOLA x wittrockiana Delta Premium 'True Blue' (Pansy) Delta Premium Pansy
VIOLA x wittrockiana Delta Speedy 'Yellow with Blotch' (Pansy) Delta Speedy Series Pansy
VIOLA x wittrockiana Inspire 'Silver Blue with Blotch' (Pansy) Pansy, F1 Hybrid Pansy
VIOLA x wittrockiana Inspire Plus 'Beaconsfield' (Pansy) Inspire Plus Pansy
VIOLA x wittrockiana Majestic Giants II 'Blotch Mix' (Pansy) Majestic Giant Pansy
VIOLA x wittrockiana Majestic Giants II 'Clear Purple' (Pansy) Majestic Giant Pansy
VIOLA x wittrockiana Majestic Giants II 'Red with Blotch' (Pansy) Majestic Giant Pansy
VIOLA x wittrockiana Majestic Giants II 'Rose with Blotch' (Pansy) Majestic Giant Pansy
VIOLA x wittrockiana Mammoth 'Deep Blue Dazzle' (Pansy) Mammoth Pansy
VIOLA x wittrockiana Mammoth 'On Fire' (Pansy) Mammoth Pansy
VIOLA x wittrockiana Mammoth 'Pink Berry' (Pansy) Mammoth Pansy
VIOLA x wittrockiana Matrix 'Blotch Mix' (Pansy) Matrix Pansy, Large-Flowered Pansy
VIOLA x wittrockiana Matrix 'Blue Blotch' (Pansy) Matrix Pansy
VIOLA x wittrockiana Matrix 'Midnight Glow' (Pansy) Matrix Pansy
VIOLA x wittrockiana Matrix 'Morpheus' (Pansy) Matrix Pansy, Large-Flowered Pansy
VIOLA x wittrockiana Matrix 'Orange' (Pansy) Matrix Pansy
VIOLA x wittrockiana Matrix 'Purple' (Pansy) Matrix Pansy
VIOLA x wittrockiana Matrix 'Red Blotch' (Pansy) Matrix Pansy
VIOLA x wittrockiana Matrix 'Rose' (Pansy) Matrix Pansy
VIOLA x wittrockiana Matrix 'True Blue' (Pansy) Matrix Pansy, Large-Flowered Pansy
VIOLA x wittrockiana Matrix 'Yellow' (Pansy) Matrix Pansy
VIOLA x wittrockiana Spring Matrix 'Lemon' (Pansy) Matrix Pansy
VIOLA x wittrockiana Spring Matrix 'Pink Shades' (Pansy) Spring Matrix Pansy, Large-Flowered Pansy
VITEX agnus-castus Chaste Tree, Hemp Tree
WALDSTEINIA ternata Barren Strawberry
WATERCRESS (Nasturtium officinale) Water Radish, Water Rocket, Hedge Mustard
WATERMELON 'Charismatic'
WATERMELON 'Mini Bee' Organic Watermelon
WATERMELON 'Moon and Stars' Organic Heirloom Watermelon
WATERMELON 'Orangeglo' Organic Heirloom Watermelon
WATERMELON 'Sugar Baby' Organic Watermelon
WEIGELA 'Flamingo Pink' (='Bokrafour') Weigela
WEIGELA 'Merlot Rose' (='Bokrafive') Weigela
WEIGELA Briant Rubidor (='Olympiade') Weigela
WEIGELA florida 'Red Prince' Weigela
WEIGELA florida 'Variegata' Weigela
WEIGELA florida Fine Wine (='Bramwell') Fine Wine Weigela
WEIGELA florida Wine & Roses (='Alexandra') Wine & Roses Weigela
WEIGELA Towers of Flowers 'Appleblossom' Weigela
WEIGELA Towers of Flowers 'Cherry' Weigela
