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PELARGONIUM x hortorum Brocade 'Fire' (Fancy Leaf Zonal), Type: Fancy Leaf Zonal Geranium PELARGONIUM x hortorum Brocade 'Fire' (Fancy Leaf Zonal)
Type: Fancy Leaf Zonal Geranium

Perennial: Deer resistant. Drought tolerant. 2016 AAS Winner. This type is known mostly for its eye-catching, decorative foliage. Good for beds, hanging baskets, containers and borders. Vigorous, mounding growth habit. Good cut flower. Attracts butterflies & hummingbirds. Blm time: spring-fall. Blm color: orange-scarlet, semi-double. Foliage: bright chartreuse w/green central band. Ht: 10-24". Exp.: sun/pt shade. Water: mod/dry.

PELARGONIUM x hortorum Brocade 'Salmon Night' (Fancy Leaf Zonal), Type: Fancy Leaf Zonal Geranium PELARGONIUM x hortorum Brocade 'Salmon Night' (Fancy Leaf Zonal)
Type: Fancy Leaf Zonal Geranium

Perennial: Deer resistant. Drought tolerant. This type is mostly known for its foliage. Good in window boxes, beds, borders and containers. Vigorous, mounding growth habit. Nice cut flower. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Bloom time: spring-fall. Bloom color: salmon-orange, semi-double. Foliage: medium green with a deep reddish brown center. Height: 10-24 inches. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate/dry.

Photo unavailable PENNISETUM alopecuroides 'Hameln'
Dwarf Fountain Grass

Perennial Grass: Deciduous. Deer & drought tolerant. Good meadow, rock garden, ground cover, border & cut flower plant. Blooms earlier & is more compact than the species. Attracts butterflies. Foliage color: dark green w/ nice fall color. Blooms: summer-fall. Color: creamy white. Clumping habit. Ht: 2-3'. W: 1-2'. Use in sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z5.

Photo unavailable PENNISETUM alopecuroides 'Red Head'
Fountain Grass, Foxtail Grass

Grass: Early bloomer with burgundy, smokey purple bottlebrush plumes emerging in mid summer. Deep green foliage forms a round, arching habit that fades to a gold in the fall. Exposure: full sun. Prefers dry soil, but can tolerate moist, well draining soil. Water: moderate. Deer resistant & drought tolerant. Great next to ponds or streams, in prairie & meadow plantings, or in beds and borders. Height: 3-4’. Width: 2-3’. USDA Z5.

Photo unavailable PENNISETUM orientale
Oriental Fountain Grass (Ornamental Grass)

Perennial: Deciduous. Drought tolerant. Deer resistant. Fire retardant. Clumping, arching habit. Nice in arrangements, borders & pots. Attracts butterflies. Foliage: dark gray green. Blooms: summer-fall with 3-4" silvery pink plumes. Size: 1-2' x 1-2' with plumes 1-1.5' above foliage. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z5.

PENNISETUM orientale 'Karley Rose', Oriental Fountain Grass (Ornamental Grass) PENNISETUM orientale 'Karley Rose'
Oriental Fountain Grass (Ornamental Grass)

Perennial: Deciduous. Drought tolerant. Deer resistant. Fire retardant. Clumping, arching habit. Nice in arrangements, borders and pots. Attracts butterflies. Foliage: deep green. Blooms: summer-fall with 3-4" dusty rose plumes. 3-4' x 1.5-2' w/ plumes 1-1.5' above foliage. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z5 or <. PP12909.

PENNISETUM setaceum 'Fireworks', Variegated Fountain Grass (Ornamental grass) PENNISETUM setaceum 'Fireworks'
Variegated Fountain Grass (Ornamental grass)

Perennial Grass: Deciduous. Drought, deer and heat tolerant. Dazzling red foliage has stripes of white, green and pink throughout the season. Nice good ground cover, border, cut flower and rock garden plant. Attracts butterflies. Clump forming. Height: 24-30". Width: 24-30". Exposure: sun. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z9. PP#18504

Photo unavailable PENNISETUM setaceum 'Rubrum'
Purple Leaved Fountain Grass (Ornamental grass)

Perennial Grass: Deciduous. Drought, deer and heat tolerant. Clump forming, good ground cover, border, cut flower and rock garden plant. Attracts butterflies. Doesn't set seed. Nice purple foliage. Height: 3-4 feet. Exposure: sun. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z9.

PENNISETUM spathiolatum, Slender Veldt Grass, Fountain Grass PENNISETUM spathiolatum
Slender Veldt Grass, Fountain Grass

Perennial: Evergreen. Native to South Africa. Drought tolerant. Deer resistant. Nice clumping, arching habit. Good in arrangements, borders & pots. Attracts butterflies. Foliage: dark gray green. Bloom time: summer-fall with 3-4" tawny pink plumes. Habit: 1-2' x 1-2' with plumes 2-3' above foliage. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z7-10.

Photo unavailable PENSTEMON 'Blackbird'
Border or Garden Penstemon, Beard Tongue

Perennial: Evergreen. Drought, coast, fire, deer and gopher tolerant. Blackbird is a vigorous and floriferous selection. Border plant with tubular flowers that attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Bloom time: summer-fall. Bloom color: dark burgundy. Height: 2-4 feet. Width: 2-3 feet. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z8 OR <.

Photo unavailable PENSTEMON 'Firebird'
Border or Garden Penstemon, Beard Tongue

Perennial: Evergreen. Drought and coast tolerant. Deer and gopher resistant. Fire retardant. Border plant with tubular flowers that attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Bloom time: summer-fall. Bloom color: red. Size: 2-4' x 1.5'. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: dry. USDA Z8 or <. (syn. P. gloxinioides 'Firebird')

PENSTEMON 'Flock of Flamingos', Border or Garden Penstemon, Beard Tongue PENSTEMON 'Flock of Flamingos'
Border or Garden Penstemon, Beard Tongue

Perennial: Evergreen. Tolerates drought, coast, deer, gopher and fire. Bedding, border, cut flower, and cottage garden plant with tubular flowers that attracts butterflies, hummingbirds and bees. Has masses of flowers that change from dark to light pink as the flowers age. Bloom time: summer-fall. Bloom color: pink. Clump forming. Height: 14 inches. Width: 18 inches. Flowers to 36 inches. Exposure: sun. Water: moderate. USDA Z6-9. PPAF

Photo unavailable PENSTEMON 'Midnight'
Border or Garden Penstemon, Beard Tongue

Perennial: Evergreen. Drought and coast tolerant. Deer and gopher resistant. Fire retardant. Border plant with tubular flowers that attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Bloom time: summer-fall. Bloom color: purple. Size: 2-4' x 1.5'. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: dry. USDA Z8 or <. (syn. P. gloxinioides 'Midnight')

Photo unavailable PENSTEMON 'Red Riding Hood'
Border or Garden Penstemon, Beard Tongue

Perennial: Evergreen. Drought and coast tolerant. Deer and gopher resistant. Fire retardant. Native to the Rocky Mountains and southwest US. Border plant with tubular flowers that attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Bloom time: spring-fall. Bloom color: red. Height: 18". Spread: 24". Exposure: sun. Water: moderate. USDA Z3.

PENSTEMON barbatus Rock Candy 'Blue' (= 'Novapenblu'), Border or Garden Penstemon, Beard Tongue PENSTEMON barbatus Rock Candy 'Blue' (= 'Novapenblu')
Border or Garden Penstemon, Beard Tongue

Perennial: Semi-evergreen. Tolerates drought, heat, deer & fire. The Rock Candy Series is compact & has bold colors that are… "sweet as candy, tough as nails!" Great in borders, rock gardens, along walkways, in pots & as a cut flower. Has bell-shaped bluish-purple blooms with white striped throats on compact flower spikes in spring-fall. Attracts bees, butterflies & hummingbirds. Ht: 12 in. Width: 12 in. Expos: sun/part shade. Water: dry. USDA Z5. PP #27,786

Photo unavailable PENSTEMON digitalis 'Blackbeard'
Border or Garden Penstemon, Beard Tongue

Perennial: Semi-evergreen. Tolerant of drought, coast, deer, gophers, fire and heat. Has the darkest foliage of any such hybrid! Border plant with burgundy red foliage maturing to dark black-purple. Clusters of tubular mauvy lavender flowers with a white throat attract butterflies & hummingbirds. Long lasting cut flower. Bloom time: summer. Size: 30-36" x 24"'. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z3. PPAF

Photo unavailable PENSTEMON heterophyllus 'Blue Springs'
Foothill Penstemon, Blue Bedder Penstemon

Perennial: Evergreen. Tolerant of drought, coast, deer, gophers and fire. A seed strain from 1969 of the CA native P. heterophyllus. Border and rock garden plant with tubular flowers that attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Blooms: summer. Color: cobalt green buds open to vivid blue at maturity. Sun/part shade. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z8.


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