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BOUVARDIA ternifolia, Firecracker Bush, Scarlet Hummingbird Flower, Trumpet Flower BOUVARDIA ternifolia
Firecracker Bush, Scarlet Hummingbird Flower, Trumpet Flower

Herb or Shrub: Tolerates heat, humidity & drought. A native of Arizona, New Mexico & Texas. Easy to grow & low maintenance. Good for containers, beds, borders, & mass plantings. Has a profusion of bright, scarlet-red orange clusters of 2 inch tubular blms from May until frost over shiny, oval, dk green lvs. Attracts butterflies, hummingbirds, & pollinators. Upright, mounding habit. Ht: 2-4 ft. Exp.: sun/pt shade. Water: mod./dry. USDA Z9-11.

BRACHYSCOME 'Brasco Violet', Swan River Daisy BRACHYSCOME 'Brasco Violet'
Swan River Daisy

Perennial: Drought resistant. Semi-shrubby. Excellent edger, rock garden, container and border plant. Compact growth and profuse blooming spring-fall. Daisy-like flowers with finely cut dark foliage. Deadheading is not necessary. Bloom time: spring-fall. Bloom color: violet purple. Height: 12-18". Exposure: sun. Water: moderate.

BRACHYSCOME angustifolia Fresco 'Candy', Swan River Daisy BRACHYSCOME angustifolia Fresco 'Candy'
Swan River Daisy

Perennial: Native to Australia. Heat & deer tolerant. The Fresco series bloom earlier and are more compact than others. Great for edges, borders, window boxes, hanging baskets, & containers. Attracts butterflies. Continuous flowering spring-summer. Color: lavender-pink daisies. Compact, mounding growth habit. Height: 4-6 in. Width: 8-12 in. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z10. Worth growing as an annual in cold climates.

BRACHYSCOME hybrid Surdaisy 'Pink', Swan River Daisy BRACHYSCOME hybrid Surdaisy 'Pink'
Swan River Daisy

Perennial: Deer resistant. Semi-shrubby. Excellent edger, rock garden, container and border plant. Compact growth and profuse blooming spring-fall. Daisy-like flowers with finely cut dark foliage. Deadheading is not necessary. Bloom time: spring-fall. Bloom color: pink. Height: 6-12". Spread 6-12". Exposure: sun. Water: moderate. USDA Z9.

BRACHYSCOME hybrid Surdaisy 'White', Swan River Daisy BRACHYSCOME hybrid Surdaisy 'White'
Swan River Daisy

Perennial: Deer resistant. Semi-shrubby. Excellent edger, rock garden, container and border plant. Compact growth and profuse blooming spring-fall. Daisy-like flowers with finely cut dark foliage. Deadheading is not necessary. Bloom time: spring-fall. Bloom color: white. Height: 6-12". Spread 6-12". Exposure: sun. Water: moderate. USDA Z9.

BRACHYSCOME multifida 'Blue', Swan River Daisy BRACHYSCOME multifida 'Blue'
Swan River Daisy

Perennial: Deer resistant. Semi-shrubby. Very effective and eye-catching ground cover. Compact habit. The ferny, bright green leaves are adorned by single daisy-like flowers with yellow centers from midsummer to fall. Excellent edger, rock garden, container and border plant. Bloom color: blue purple. Height: 6-12". Exposure: sun. Water: moderate. USDA Z9.

BRACTEANTHA hybrid 'Cottage Pink' (='Wesbracopi'), Everlasting Flower, Strawflower BRACTEANTHA hybrid 'Cottage Pink' (='Wesbracopi')
Everlasting Flower, Strawflower

Short-lived Perennial or Annual: Drought, heat & deer tolerant. The Cottage series has high disease resistance & all season durability. The unique straw-like flowers are good fresh or dried for arrangements & wreaths. Nice bedding, rock garden, pot & cut flower plant. Blms: spring-fall. Color: pink. Mounding growth habit. Ht.: 10-15". Spd.: 10-12". Exp.: sun. Water: mod./dry. USDA Z8-10 (syn. HELICHRYSUM, XEROCHRYSUM bracteatum)

BRACTEANTHA hybrid 'Cottage Yellow' (='Wesbracoye'), Everlasting Flower, Strawflower BRACTEANTHA hybrid 'Cottage Yellow' (='Wesbracoye')
Everlasting Flower, Strawflower

Short-lived Perennial or Annual: Drought, heat & deer tolerant. The Cottage series has high disease resistance & all season durability. The unique straw-like flowers are good fresh or dried for arrangements & wreaths. Nice bedding, rock garden, pot & cut flower plant. Blooms: spring-fall. Color: golden yellow. Mounding growth. Ht: 10-15". Width: 10-12". Exposure: sun. Water: mod/dry. USDA Z8-10 (syn. HELICHRYSUM, XEROCHRYSUM bracteatum)

BRASSICA oleracea F1 'Kamome White' (Flowering Kale), Ornamental Cabbage or Flowering Kale BRASSICA oleracea F1 'Kamome White' (Flowering Kale)
Ornamental Cabbage or Flowering Kale

Annual or Perennial Herb: Very cold tolerant. The Kamome series is a hybrid fringed-leaf variety. The frilly green leaves have ruffled edges and surround a pure-white center. A good choice for late season color and interest in the garden. Great bedding, border, container or accent plant. While edible, they are grown for their ornamental value and have a bitter flavor. Dwarf variety. Height: 8-12 in. Width: 12-14 in. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z3.

BRASSICA oleracea Osaka 'Red' (Flowering Kale), Ornamental Cabbage or Flowering Kale BRASSICA oleracea Osaka 'Red' (Flowering Kale)
Ornamental Cabbage or Flowering Kale

Annual or Perennial Herb: Very cold tolerant. The Osaka series boasts tightly packed, compact heads, they are vigorous & uniform, producing layers of leaves with wavy edges. Osaka 'Red' has colorful wavy dark purple leaves with red on heads that form a pretty rosette. Great bedding, border, container or accent plant. Edible. For color & zest, add to salads or stir-fries. Height: 6-12 in. Width: 12-18 in. Exposure: sun. Water: moderate/moist. USDA Z7-11.

BRASSICA oleracea var. acephala (Tree Collard), Tree Collard BRASSICA oleracea var. acephala (Tree Collard)
Tree Collard

Evergreen. Old American heirloom. Purple leaves in late fall and winter. Very nutritious, high in protein and calcium. Sweet tender leaves. Sweeter and tastier than regular collards. Excellent steamed or boiled. Exposure: sun. Water:moderate. Height: 8-10' (or more). Spread: 3'. USDA Z7.

BROCCOLI 'Blue Star Gai Lan', Organic Broccoli, Chinese Broccoli, Chinese Kale, Kana BROCCOLI 'Blue Star Gai Lan'
Organic Broccoli, Chinese Broccoli, Chinese Kale, Kana

A Chinese broccoli with moderately thick stems, incredible flavor, & easy-to-grow nature. Small plants send up stems up to 1" thick with small broccoli-like clusters on top. Similar to broccoli raab with thick edible stems, leaves, & flower buds. Harvest once or grow as a "cut and come again" vegetable. Robust flavor is between broccoli & collard greens. Commonly used in stir-fry in Asian cooking. Maturity: 45-60 days. BRASSICA oleracea 'Blue Star Gai Lan'

Photo unavailable BROCCOLI 'Di Cicco'
Organic Heirloom Broccoli

Heirloom-Known for its tender stalks & mild flavor. Produces small, 3-4” main heads that are projected well above the foliage followed by a large yield of side-shoot spears. Long harvest period. Harvest the main head when 3” in diameter or less to encourage heavier side-shoot production. Great for spring or fall production. Edible flowers.Plant in sun. (Maturity: 48 days) (Brassica oleracea ‘Di Cicco’)

Photo unavailable BROCCOLI 'Romanesco Italia'
Organic Heirloom Broccoli

Heirloom - The true and popular Italian heirloom with spiraling, apple-green heads that are so superbly flavored. This variety is widely grown in northern Italy. A must with many of the finest chefs. Nutty taste. Most often enjoyed raw, the broccoli, if lightly cooked, will retain its flavor and unique texture.

Photo unavailable BROCOLLI 'Belstar'
Organic Broccoli

Nice compact variety that produces 6" uniform heads. Great choice for spring, summer & fall plantings as it holds well in the field and ideal for both warm & cold weather conditions. Good disease resistance. (Maturity: 60-70 days) (Brassica oleracea 'Belstar')


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