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Photo unavailable POLEMONIUM caeruleum 'Brise d'Anjou'
Variegated Jacob's Ladder

Perennial: Deer resistant. Border, woodland, container & rock garden plant with clusters of bell-shaped flowers. Differs from others due to the lovely variegated creamy foliage. Bloom time: summer. Bloom color: violet-blue. Size: 18-24" x 18-24". Exposure: shade/part shade. Water: moist. USDA Z2-9. Blooms of Bressingham. (PP#9781)

POLYSTICHUM munitum, Western Sword Fern, Giant Holly Fern POLYSTICHUM munitum
Western Sword Fern, Giant Holly Fern

Fern: Evergreen, clumping habit. Deer resistant. Somewhat gopher resistant. Good for woodlands, beds, along house walls, ground cover, borders, containers and for cut foliage. Shiny dark green leathery foliage with toothed edges. Native from AK to MT & CA. Height: 2-6 feet. Exposure: shade (coastal sun is okay). Water: moist. Bog tolerant. USDA Z3-9.

Photo unavailable PORTULACARIA afra 'Red Stem'
Elephant Bush

Succulent: A tall growing species, this South Africa native can reach heights of 12’, making it a good food source for elephants! The fat, glossy green, paddle-shaped leaves grow along soft red colored stems, which can be trained for ornamental archways and container gardens. As the plant ages, it will grow into a bushy habit with a large woody trunk. Exp.: full sun/part shade. Soil: good drainage. Height: 12’. Width: 6’. Blooms: pink. USDA Z9.

PRIMULA F1 hybrid Paradiso 'Double Champagne' (syn. P. acaulis), Primrose PRIMULA F1 hybrid Paradiso 'Double Champagne' (syn. P. acaulis)

Perennial Herb: Tolerates deer and bog. The Paradiso Double series is a Primula acaulis x polyanthus that features double flowers, uniform growth & flowering, compact plant shape, & long shelf life. Good border, bedding, woodland, windowsill & container plant. Attracts butterflies. Blooms: fall-spring. Color: soft pink infused with yellow. Double blooms resemble roses. Height: 4-6 in. Width: 5-6 in. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z6.

PRIMULA F1 hybrid Paradiso 'Double Lavender' (syn. P. acaulis), Primrose PRIMULA F1 hybrid Paradiso 'Double Lavender' (syn. P. acaulis)

Perennial Herb: Tolerates deer and bog. The Paradiso Double series is a Primula acaulis x polyanthus that features double flowers, uniform growth & flowering, compact plant shape, & long shelf life. Good border, bedding, woodland, windowsill & container plant. Attracts butterflies. Blooms: fall-spring. Color: shades of lavender purple. Double blooms resemble roses. Height: 4-6 in. Width: 5-6 in. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z6.

PRIMULA F1 hybrid Paradiso 'Double Light Rose' (syn. P. acaulis), Primrose PRIMULA F1 hybrid Paradiso 'Double Light Rose' (syn. P. acaulis)

Perennial Herb: Tolerates deer and bog. The Paradiso Double series is a Primula acaulis x polyanthus that features double flowers, uniform growth & flowering, compact plant shape, & long shelf life. Good border, bedding, woodland, windowsill & container plant. Attracts butterflies. Blooms: fall-spring. Color: rose pink with light picotee edge. Double blooms resemble roses. Height: 4-6 in. Width: 5-6 in. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z6.

PRIMULA F1 hybrid Paradiso 'Double Lime' (syn. P. acaulis), Primrose PRIMULA F1 hybrid Paradiso 'Double Lime' (syn. P. acaulis)

Perennial Herb: Tolerates deer and bog. The Paradiso Double series is a Primula acaulis x polyanthus that features double flowers, uniform growth & flowering, compact plant shape, & long shelf life. Good border, bedding, woodland, windowsill & container plant. Attracts butterflies. Blooms: fall-spring. Color: white with green tinge. Double blooms resemble roses. Height: 4-6 in. Width: 5-6 in. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z6.

PRIMULA F1 hybrid Paradiso 'Double White' (syn. P. acaulis), Primrose PRIMULA F1 hybrid Paradiso 'Double White' (syn. P. acaulis)

Perennial Herb: Tolerates deer and bog. The Paradiso Double series is a Primula acaulis x polyanthus that features double flowers, uniform growth & flowering, compact plant shape, & long shelf life. Good border, bedding, woodland, windowsill & container plant. Attracts butterflies. Blooms: fall-spring. Color: white with yellow center. Double blooms resemble roses. Height: 4-6 in. Width: 5-6 in. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z6.

PRIMULA F1 hybrid Paradiso 'Double Yellow' (syn. P. acaulis), Primrose PRIMULA F1 hybrid Paradiso 'Double Yellow' (syn. P. acaulis)

Perennial Herb: Tolerates deer and bog. The Paradiso Double series is a Primula acaulis x polyanthus that features double flowers, uniform growth & flowering, compact plant shape, & long shelf life. Good border, bedding, woodland, windowsill & container plant. Attracts butterflies. Blooms: fall-spring. Color: yellow. Double blooms resemble roses. Height: 4-6 in. Width: 5-6 in. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z6.

PROSTANTHERA ovalifolia 'Variegata', Australian or Variegated Mint Bush PROSTANTHERA ovalifolia 'Variegata'
Australian or Variegated Mint Bush

Shrub: Evergreen, fast growing perennial from Australia. The fragrant, deep green leaves have cream colored variegation and hold branched stalks of bell-shaped flowers in spring. Blooms abundantly. Prune after flowering to promote bushy growth. Bloom color: purple. Ht: 8-12'. W: 6-8'. Exposure: sun to shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z7-10.

Photo unavailable PULMONARIA 'Silver Scimitar'
Lungwort, Jerusalem Sage

Perennial Herb: Semi-evergreen. Drought and deer tolerant. Has large, arching silver green leaves with wavy edges. Woodland, rock garden, ground cover, border, container, and edging plant. Attracts bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Bloom time: spring, bicolor pink and purple funnel-shaped flowers. Height: 8 inches. Width: 22 inches. Flower spike: 9 inches. Exposure: sun/shade. Water: moist/dry. USDA Z4-9.

Photo unavailable PUMPKIN 'Baby Pam'
Organic Miniature Pumpkin

Commercial standard for pie pumpkins. Stringless, sugary flesh cooks down to a smooth, superior pie filling. Vigorous 10 to 12' vines produce large yields of small 2 to 4 lb. fruit that measure 5 to 5-1/2" in diameter. Each vine will produce 4 to 5 pumpkins. The dark orange pumpkins are smooth, tough-skinned & uniform. Handles are long & well-rooted. Perfect for painting or decoration. Plant in full sun. (Maturity: 100 days) (Cucurbita pepo 'Baby Pam')

Photo unavailable PUMPKIN 'Black Futsu'
Organic Heirloom Winter Squash

Rare Japanese specialty for the porch or the table with heavy ribs & unique warty texture. Produces 3-5 lb fruits that have bright orange flesh, firm texture & attractively dimpled yellow inner rind. Rich nutty, fresh flavor. Outer skin starts dark green/near black, becoming a powdery chestnut in storage. 3-5 pumpkins/plant. Does well in large containers. Stores well. Days to maturity: 105 days. (Cucurbita moschata)

Photo unavailable RANUNCULUS asiaticus 'Tecolote Cafe'
Persian Buttercups

Tuberous Perennial: The Tecolote series is a heavy bloomer producing many 4-5" camellia-like flowers on sturdy stems. It is a florist's favorite. Good cut flower, border and container plant. The flowers are held above the ferny foliage. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Bloom time: spring-summer. Bloom color: multicolor-gold, burnt orange & red. Height: 12-24". Exp.: sun/part shade. Water: mod. Avoid overwatering. USDA Z8.

Photo unavailable RANUNCULUS asiaticus 'Tecolote White'
Persian Buttercups

Tuberous Perennial: The Tecolote series is a heavy bloomer producing many 4-5 inch camellia-like flowers on sturdy stems. It is a florist's favorite. Good cut flower, border and container plant. The flowers are held above the ferny foliage. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Bloom time: spring-summer. Bloom color: white. Height: 12-24 inches. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. Avoid overwatering. USDA Z8.

Photo unavailable RANUNCULUS Mache 'Mix'
Persian Buttercup

Perennial: Deer resistant. Drought & clay tolerant. The 'Mache Series' are vigorous & strong-stemmed, producing large 2-3" flowers in bold colors. The papery petals are layered one on top of another & are ideal for cutting, lasting up to 6 weeks. Good rock garden or border plant. Plants generally go dormant & disappear by mid-late summer, then produce new leaves in fall. Blm time: spring. Blm color: assorted. Size: 12-16" x 10-12". Exp.: sun/pt shade. Water: mod./moist. Z5.

Photo unavailable RANUNCULUS Tecolote 'Pastel Mix'
Persian Buttercup

Perennial: Tolerates drought, deer & clay. Tecolote ranunculus are a premium variety offering large, prolific blooms & strong, sturdy stems. The blooms resemble roses & are great cut flowers. Good rock garden & border plant. Plants generally go dormant & disappear by mid-late summer, then produce new leaves in fall. Blooms: spring-summer. Color: soft yellows, pinks, & whites. Height: 18-24 in. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate/moist. USDA Z5.

RAOULIA australis, Golden Scabweed RAOULIA australis
Golden Scabweed

Perennial: Drought & deer tolerant. Great ground cover & dry rockery plant. Stems are hidden by small gray green leaves that overlap them completely. Native to New Zealand. Attracts butterflies. Blooms in summer with pale yellow flowers that appear "dusted" on. Carpet forming: 1/2" x 1-3'. Sun. Water: moderate. USDA Z7-9. (syn. R. lutescens)

Photo unavailable REHMANNIA elata
Chinese Foxglove

Perennial: Evergreen in mild winter climates. Nice border and cut flower plant. Attracts butterflies. Bloom time: spring-fall. Produces tubular rose-purple flowers with yellow and red dotted throat. Height: 2-3 feet. Re-seeds. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z9. (syn. R. angulata)

Photo unavailable RHAPHIDOPHORA tetrasperma
Monstera Ginny, Ginny Philodendron, Swiss Cheese Plant

Climber: Evergreen. Native to Southeast Asia. Has unique cut or split leaves, called fenestration, with thick vines. Outdoors it will climb up trees. Indoors it will like the support of a pole, trellis, or stake. USDA Z9-11. Indoor: Provide bright to low, indirect light. Can tolerate artificial light, heat & humidity. Water thoroughly when top 2-3 inches of soil is dry, but avoid soggy roots. Height: 18-24 inches. Width: 36 inches. Toxic to humans and pets if ingested.

Red Star

Perennial Herb: Deciduous bulb. Rock garden or container plant. Protect bulbs from cold winter rains. Grass-like foliage with star-shaped blooms. Blooms spring through summer. Bloom color: pink. Height: 3-5 inches. Exposure: sun. Water: moderate (in summer). Do not water in winter. USDA Z8.


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