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TEUCRIUM cossonii (syn. T. majoricum), Germander TEUCRIUM cossonii (syn. T. majoricum)

Perennial: Evergreen. Drought & coast tolerant. Deer resistant. Somewhat gopher resistant. Foliage is gray-green above, white underneath. Profusely branched shrublet with a mat forming habit, 4-6" x 2-4'. Good border, rock garden & edging plant. Attracts bees & butterflies. Blooms: summer. Color: rose lavender. Full sun. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z7. (syn. T. cussonii, T. pulverulentum)

Photo unavailable TEUCRIUM flavum
Yellow Germander

Shrub: Evergreen sub-shrub. Drought tolerant. Mediterranean native. Has aromatic, lightly haired green foliage. A good shrub for the dry garden on sunny slopes, rockeries, borders, & containers. Has medicinal properties. Blooms: spring-summer. Bloom color: creamy yellow. Compact, mounding forming. Height: 6-12". Width: 18-30". Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z7. (formally labeled as TEUCRIUM chamaedrys 'Alba').

TEUCRIUM fruticans 'Curacao' (= 'Ventecu'), Bush Germander, Shrubby Germander TEUCRIUM fruticans 'Curacao' (= 'Ventecu')
Bush Germander, Shrubby Germander

Perennial shrub: Drought, disease, deer and coast tolerant. Tough evergreen low hedge, border and topiary plant with olive-like silvery blue-gray foliage. Attracts butterflies. Thin in late winter. Has larger and bluer flowers than others. Smaller than Teucrium 'Azureum'. Bloom time: autumn and spring. Bloom color: electric blue. Height: 32 inches. Width: 32 inches. Exposure: sun. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z7.

Photo unavailable THYME 'Cascata Lemonade'
Organic Lemonade Scented Thyme

Perennial Herb: Drought & coast tolerant. Deer resistant. Somewhat gopher resistant. This variety tastes & smells like lemonade & one can even make lemonade from it! Culinary use fresh or dried. Great component for smaller gardens & would make a great hanging basket plant with its trailing habit. Blooms: summer. Blm color: pk. Height: 4". Exp.: sun. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z5. (THYMUS x citriodorus 'Cascata Lemonade')

Photo unavailable THYME 'Orange'
Organic Orange Scented Thyme

Perennial Herb: Drought tolerant. Native to the Mediterranean. Aromatic grey-green spicy orange-scented foliage. Culinary use fresh or dried. Nice strong citrus tang without any bitter aftertaste. Use with fish/poultry or in soups/stews. Great for growing indoors. Good border, container & rock garden plant. Attracts butterflies & bees. Blooms: spring-summer. color: pale mauve pink. Size: 6-12" x 6-12". Exp: sun. Water: mod/dry. USDA Z5-10. (THYMUS fragrantissimus)

Photo unavailable THYME English
Organic Thyme

Perennial Herb: Evergreen. Drought & coast resistant. Deer resistant. Somewhat gopher resistant. Makes a beautiful border along herb & flower beds growing to about 6-12”. Very versatile culinary staple, can successfully flavor any meat & vegetable dish. Winter hardy, does well in cool regions. Attract butterflies. Blm time: summer-fall. Blms: white to lavender-pk. Exp.: sun. Water: mod/dry. USDA Z4. (Maturity: 90 days)

Photo unavailable THYME Lemon (THYMUS x citriodorus (Lemon))
Organic Lemon Scented Thyme

Perennial Herb: Drought and coast tolerant. Deer resistant. Somewhat gopher resistant. Upright green foliage with a strong lemon scent. Culinary use fresh or dried. Good border, rock garden and container plant. Attracts butterflies. Bloom time: summer. Bloom color: pale pink. Size: 10-12" x 24". Exposure: sun. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z5-9.

THYMUS 'Doone Valley', Thyme THYMUS 'Doone Valley'

Pern'l Herb: Tolerates drought, deer, coast & light foot traffic. Somewhat gopher resistant. Strong lemon scented deep green foliage has a gold edge in winter-spring. Uses: ground cover, border, pot, rock garden & garnish. Attracts butterflies. Pink blooms in spring-summer. Matting: H: 2-4". W: 18-24". Flowers to 3-6" tall. Sun/part shade. Water: moderate/dry. USDA Z5.

THYMUS herba-barona, Caraway Thyme THYMUS herba-barona
Caraway Thyme

Perennial Herb: Evergreen. Drought and coast tolerant. Deer resistant. Somewhat gopher resistant. Nice border, container and rock garden plant. Excellent seasoning-use as a substitute for Caraway seeds. Use fresh or dried. Good in veggie dishes. Attracts butterflies. Bloom time: summer. Bloom color: rose pink. Ground cover. Height: 2-5". Spread: 8-12". Exposure: sun. Water: moderate. USDA Z4.

Photo unavailable THYMUS nummularius (Pizza Thyme)
Pizza Thyme

Subshrub: Evergreen. Good ground cover, border, container & rock garden plant. Culinary uses-great for seasoning Italian & savory dishes. The lvs have the flavor of thyme & oregano, cooks love its robust flavor. The aromatic dk green lvs smell like pizza herbs. Attracts butterflies. Blooms: summer. Color: pink. Ht.: 6-12". Width: 9-12". Exp.: sun. Water: mod./dry. USDA Z7. (syn. T. buschianus, pseudonummularius, pesudopulegioides)


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