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ATHYRIUM nipponicum 'Pictum' (A. goeringianum 'Pictum'), Japanese Painted Fern ATHYRIUM nipponicum 'Pictum' (A. goeringianum 'Pictum')
Japanese Painted Fern

Fern: Deciduous perennial. Native of Japan. Pink to burgundy stems carry soft gray-green leaves. The fronds grow to 1.5' long and plant makes a tight, slow spreading clump 1-2' high and 1.5' wide. Exposure: part shade/shade. Water: moist. USDA Z4.

Photo unavailable BASIL 'Cinnamon'
Organic Cinnamon Basil

A truly cinnamon scented basil! The med. sized lvs are emerald green w/prpl stems & accents. Pleasingly strong aroma & flavor, this sweet basil adds a unique & zesty punch to a variety of dishes, teas & fruits. Can be cooked, used in arrangements or dried. Blm clr: pk. Ht: 12-18"+. Exp: sun/pt shade. Water: mod. USDA Z3-9.(Maturity: 65 days)(Ocimum basilicum 'Cinnamon', O. b. var. Genovese 'Cinnamon', O. gratissimum)

BASIL 'Genovese', Organic Heirloom Basil BASIL 'Genovese'
Organic Heirloom Basil

Heirloom-Pesto lovers unanimously recommend 'Genovese' as the best variety for pesto due to its distinctively sweet flavor. Plants are strong producers of dk green, glossy lvs w/a characteristic spoon shape. Yields 7 to 8 cuttings. Though used mainly as a culinary herb, this basil has many therapeutic qualities as well. Biennial herb. Height: 18-24". Width: 15". Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. (Maturity: 68 days)

BASIL 'Holy' (Sacred, Tulsi, Monk's Basil), Organic Holy Basil BASIL 'Holy' (Sacred, Tulsi, Monk's Basil)
Organic Holy Basil

Sacred Basil sets itself apart w/its pungent aroma & many medicinal properties. Whole lvs are crisp & clove flavored, very cooling in summer salads. Good flavoring vegetable in stir fry & steamed dishes. In additional to many nutritional values, it also has medicinal properties. Excellent pollen & nectar source for bees. Easy to grow. Height: 3 feet. Plant in sun/pt shade. An annual but will last longer w/regular pruning. (Maturity: 75 days)

Photo unavailable BASIL 'Lemon'
Organic Lemon Basil

A narrow leaf basil native to Southeast Asia with a delightfully strong aroma and lemony flavor. Delicious with fish and in salad dressings. Flowering stalks can be added to bouquets to lend a wonderful lemony fragrance. Small leaf variety. Biennial herb. Height: 18-30". Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z3-9. (Maturity: 60 days) (Ocimum basilicum citriodorum)

BASIL 'Red Rubin', Organic Basil BASIL 'Red Rubin'
Organic Basil

Ornamental appeal & intense, spicy flavor. Compact habit, handsome foliage, wonderful aroma & its flavorful lvs make it a must-grow for lovers of flavored vinegars & oils! Sweeter aroma & flavor than other purple basils. The lvs are smooth, flat, & large, about 3-4" long & borne very profusely on dense, full little plants a foot tall & 8-10" wide. Good choice when making infused oils. Exp.: sun/pt shade. Water: mod. USDA Z3-9.

Photo unavailable BASIL 'Spicy Bush'
Organic Greek Basil

Great for ornamental and culinary use. An attractive miniature with small 3/4" long lvs on highly branched stems. Nice, compact, mounding habit excellent for containers, borders or rock gardens. Aromatic. Smooth, spicy, sweet flavor is great for salads or pesto. Stems are very tender as well. It grows in a perfect dome shape 8-12" tall. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z3-9. (Maturity: 70 days)

BASIL 'Sweet Thai', Organic Basil BASIL 'Sweet Thai'
Organic Basil

Flavorful garnish for sweet dishes. It has a clove-like licorice flavor w/a hearty aroma that compliments the hot spicy flavors of Thai cuisine. It is lovely as a potted herb, an edible bedding plant or it can be used in floral arrangements. Compact plants sport relatively small green lvs w/dk purple stems & blossoms. Lvs are 2” long & plants reach 12-18” tall. (Maturity: 63 days) (Ocimum basilicum var. americanum ‘Sweet Thai’)

BAUMEA rubiginosa 'Variegata', Variegated Rush, Golden Sword BAUMEA rubiginosa 'Variegata'
Variegated Rush, Golden Sword

Perennial: Evergreen. Deer resistant. Native to New Zealand. A slow spreading grass-like plant. Stiff, upright growth habit with narrow, tubular dark green foliage with yellow variegation, 18-24" x 24". Nice pot or bog plant. Tolerates boggy conditions w/free standing water. Sun/part shade. Water: moderate/moist. USDA Z6-11. (syn. Machaerina rubiginosa 'Variegata')

Photo unavailable BEAN 'Blue Lake' Pole Bean
Organic Heirloom Pole Bean

Heirloom-This heirloom made Oregon's Willamette Valley famous in the 60's and 70's for canning beans. Heavy producer, is a dependable & delicious variety for the garden. Has exceptional flavor fresh, shelled or dry. Picked fresh, beans are round & dk green w/unusual prpl streaks. They are long, straight & stringless. Vines can reach up to 10' tall w/7-10" pods. Ideal for table use, freezing & canning. Plant in sun. (Maturity: 66 days)

Photo unavailable BEAN 'Chiba Green' Soybean
Soybean, Edamame

A delicious and early edamame with very large green seeds. Produces 3 seeded, 3 inch pods that are yellow or brown when mature and dried. Harvest when beans are plump in pods and leaves begin to change from bright green to a yellow green. Beans are great fresh, steamed, or dried. Compact and upright plants. Great for small gardens. Height: 1-3 feet. Exposure: sun. Days to maturity: 75-80 days. (GLYCINE max 'Chiba Green')

BEAN 'Dragon Langerie' ('Dragon's Tongue', 'Merveille De Piemonte'), Heirloom Bush Bean (PHASEOLUS vulgaris 'Dragon Langerie') BEAN 'Dragon Langerie' ('Dragon's Tongue', 'Merveille De Piemonte')
Heirloom Bush Bean (PHASEOLUS vulgaris 'Dragon Langerie')

This Dutch heirloom dates back to at least the 19th century! A taste test winner & probably the best multipurpose bean available. Use fresh as a snap bean w/super flavor & crispness or as a shelled bean. It has white to ylw 6-8" pods w/prpl streaks that fade when cooked. As a snap, harvest when the flat beans turn from lime green to buffed ylw w/bt prpl stripes. For dried beans, let pods fully mature. Ht: 24-30". Maturity: 55 days fresh, 95 days shell.

Photo unavailable BEAN 'Maxibel' aka Haricot Vert
Organic Haricot Vert or French Filet

The most popular French filet bean w/high yields of slender 7” green pods that have an unsurpassed flavor. These are intended to be picked very slender, 1/8-1/4" in diameter. This bush type produces a continuous yield of “extra fine” (1/4” diameter) grade that is maintained by picking every 36-48 hours. 3 days in hot weather or 5 days in cool weather is about the maximum delay between harvests. Plant in full sun. (Maturity: 65 days)

BEAN 'Qing Bian' Pole Romano, Pole Bean BEAN 'Qing Bian' Pole Romano
Pole Bean

Heirloom: Non-GMO. Early maturing Romano bean type. Bright green pods are flat and long growing 10-12" long, 1" wide. Beans are string-less and tender. The plants are vigorous and strong. Harvest pods at 8-10" long and when beans just starting to bulge in the pods about 50-55 days. Beans are white inside the pots. Use in pasta dishes, stir-fries, or soups. Delicious fresh, steamed, sauteed or fried tempura style. Plant in sun with moist soil.

BEGONIA 'Doublet Pink' (syn. Semperflorens-Cultorum Group, 'Paudopi'), Wax Begonia BEGONIA 'Doublet Pink' (syn. Semperflorens-Cultorum Group, 'Paudopi')
Wax Begonia

Perennial: Deer resistant. The Doublet series have large double flowers, good branching, heat tolerance, and early blooms. The glossy bronze to green foliage holds mini rose like pink flowers. Good container, border, bedding, edging, window box, & hanging basket plant. Attracts butterflies. Blooms: spring-fall. Compact growth habit. Height: 10-14 in. Width: 8-12 in. Exposure: part shade/shade. Water: moderate/moist. USDA Z8-10.

Photo unavailable BEGONIA 'Doublet White' (syn. Semperflorens-Cultorum Group, 'Paudowhi')
Wax Begonia

Perennial: Deer resistant. The Doublet series have large double flowers, good branching, heat tolerance, and early blooms. The glossy bronze to green foliage holds mini rose like white flowers. Good container, border, bedding, edging, window box, & hanging basket plant. Attracts butterflies. Blooms: spring-fall. Compact growth habit. Height: 10-14 in. Width: 8-12 in. Exposure: part shade/shade. Water: moderate/moist. USDA Z8-10.

Photo unavailable BEGONIA 'Gene Daniels'
Cane-type Begonia

Shrub: Cane-type, very large, upright grower. Coral-pink flowers are on continuous display. The flowers are set off by huge dark bronzey-green heart-shaped leaves with a red reverse. Good for porches, patios, large containers or tropical settings. Perennial outdoors where there is no frost or can be used as a houseplant in bt., indirect light. Late winter into summer. Height: 4-6'. Width: 4-6'. Exp: part shade/shade. Water: mod. USDA Z9. Hardy to at least 30° F.

BEGONIA hybrid 'Mahogany Orange', Begonia BEGONIA hybrid 'Mahogany Orange'

Perennial: Deer and drought tolerant. The Mahogany series are upright, mounding plants with dark chocolate-colored foliage. The bright blooms have a nice contrast against the dark foliage. Good for containers, hanging baskets, window boxes, and borders. Bloom time: spring-fall. Bloom color: orange. Height: 12-18 inches. Width: 10-12 inches. Exposure: part shade/shade. Water: moderate.


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