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Photo unavailable PAEONIA lactiflora 'Bowl of Beauty
Bush Peony (herbaceous)

Perennial herb with bright cupped rose-pink petals with creamy-yellow center. Deciduous. Deer resistant. Great border and cut flower plant. Blooms in summer. Blooms best with a good winter chill. Height: 36-40". Spread: 24-36". Flowers don't last well in hot, dry areas and plants prefer some shade there, sun elsewhere. Water: moderate. USDA Z3.

PAEONIA lactiflora 'Duchesse de Nemours', Bush Peony (herbaceous) PAEONIA lactiflora 'Duchesse de Nemours'
Bush Peony (herbaceous)

Perennial herb with large fully double white flowers. Deciduous. Deer resistant. Great border and cut flower plant. Blooms in summer. Blooms best with a good winter chill. Height: 36-40". Spread: 24-36". Flowers don't last well in hot, dry areas and plants prefer some shade there, sun elsewhere. Water: moderate. USDA Z6.

PAEONIA lactiflora 'Karl Rosenfeld', Bush Peony (herbaceous) PAEONIA lactiflora 'Karl Rosenfeld'
Bush Peony (herbaceous)

Perennial herb with large, 4-5" bright, deep red flowers. Deciduous. Deer resistant. Great border and cut flower plant. Blooms in summer. Blooms best with a good winter chill. Height: 28-38". Spread: 28-38". Flowers don't last well in hot, dry areas and plants prefer some shade there, sun elsewhere. Water: moderate. USDA Z6.

PAEONIA lactiflora 'Myrtle Gentry', Bush Peony (herbaceous) PAEONIA lactiflora 'Myrtle Gentry'
Bush Peony (herbaceous)

Perennial herb with large fully double blush pink flowers, fades to almost white with age. Fragrance is like that of a fine tea rose. Deciduous. Deer resistant. Great border and cut flower plant. Blooms in summer. Blooms best with a good winter chill. Attracts butterflies. Size: 30-36" x 30-36". Flowers don't last well in hot, dry areas and plants prefer some shade there, sun elsewhere. Water: moderate. USDA Z4.

PAEONIA lactiflora 'Shirley Temple', Bush Peony (herbaceous) PAEONIA lactiflora 'Shirley Temple'
Bush Peony (herbaceous)

Perennial herb with large fully double pure white flowers. Deciduous. Deer resistant. Great border and cut flower plant. Blooms in summer. Blooms best with a good winter chill. Size: 36-40". Flowers don't last well in hot, dry areas and plants prefer some shade there, sun elsewhere. Water: moderate. USDA Z6.

Photo unavailable PAPAVER nudicaule 'Champagne Bubbles Mix' (Iceland Poppy)
Icelandic Poppy

Perennial: Drought tolerant. Deer resistant. Short-lived, will usually self-seed and come back. Bushy clumper good for containers and borders. Produces large, 5" cup-shaped blooms that are excellent for cutting if stems are treated when cut. Attracts bees. Bloom time: spring-summer. Bloom color: assorted. Height: 12-15". Width: 8-12". Exposure: sun. Water: moderate/dry. Needs good drainage. USDA Z2.

PAPAVER nudicaule 'Champagne Bubbles Orange' (Iceland Poppy), Icelandic Poppy PAPAVER nudicaule 'Champagne Bubbles Orange' (Iceland Poppy)
Icelandic Poppy

Perennial: Drought tolerant. Deer resistant. Short-lived, will usually self-seed and come back. Bushy clumper good for containers and borders. Produces large, 5" cup-shaped blooms that are excellent for cutting if stems are treated when cut. Attracts bees. Bloom time: spring-summer. Bloom color: orange. Height: 12-15". Width: 8-12". Exposure: sun. Water: moderate/dry. Needs good drainage. USDA Z2.

Photo unavailable PAPAVER nudicaule 'Champagne Bubbles Scarlet' (Iceland Poppy)
Icelandic Poppy

Perennial: Drought tolerant. Deer resistant. Short-lived, will usually self-seed and come back. Bushy clumper, good for containers and borders. Produces large, mildly fragrant, 5" cup-shaped blooms that are excellent for cutting if stems are treated when cut. Attracts bees. Bloom time: spring-summer. Bloom color: brilliant scarlet. Height: 12-15". Width: 8-12". Exposure: sun. Water: moderate/dry. Needs good drainage. USDA Z2.

Photo unavailable PAPAVER nudicaule 'Champagne Bubbles Yellow' (Iceland Poppy)
Icelandic Poppy

Perennial: Drought tolerant. Deer resistant. Short-lived, will usually self-seed and come back. Bushy clumper good for containers and borders. Produces large, 5" cup-shaped blooms that are excellent for cutting if stems are treated when cut. Attracts bees. Bloom time: spring-summer. Bloom color: bright golden-yellow. Height: 12-15". Width: 8-12". Exposure: sun. Water: moderate/dry. Needs good drainage. USDA Z2.

PAPAVER nudicaule 'Garden Gnome' (Iceland Poppy), Icelandic Poppy, Arctic Poppy PAPAVER nudicaule 'Garden Gnome' (Iceland Poppy)
Icelandic Poppy, Arctic Poppy

Perennial: Loves the cold! Tall stems hold many fragrant, 2 inch cup-shaped flowers with papery petals. The scalloped foliage is hairy and is attractive even when not in bloom. Border, bedding, container, cottage garden, rock garden, and cut flower plant. Attracts bees. Bloom time: spring-summer. Bloom color: mix of yellow, orange, red, and white. Height: 10-12 inches. Width: 8-18 inches. Exposure: sun/part shade. Water: moderate. USDA Z2.

PAR-CEL (Cutting Celery), Organic Cutting Celery PAR-CEL (Cutting Celery)
Organic Cutting Celery

A leafy herb w/bold celery flavor. Cross between cutting celery & curled-leaf parsley. Use fresh in salads or cooked in soups, stews & w/mixed vegetables. This is a seasoning celery that does not produce an enlarged stalk. Suitable for containers. Aromatic Biennial/Perennial. Height: 12-18?. Plant spacing 6?. Exp.: sun/part shade. Water: mod./moist. (Maturity: 80-85 days) (Apium graveolens var. secalinum).

Photo unavailable PARSLEY 'Darki'
Organic Moss Curled Type

Biennial: A very dark selection of moss curled parsley with a mild, sweet flavor. Curled leaf parsley is a more subtle seasoning than Italian flat leaf and makes for a nutritious, edible garnish- fresh or dried. Good for beds and containers. Upright habit makes it easy to harvest. Height: 12-30 inches. Width: 10-12 inches. Exposure: sun/part shade. Has good cold tolerance. USDA Z5-8. Days to maturity: 75. (PETROSELINUM crispum var. crispum 'Darki')

PARSLEY 'Grune Perle', Curled Parsley PARSLEY 'Grune Perle'
Curled Parsley

Biennial: A popular Eastern European heirloom parsley. It is finely curled with strong stems and vigorous growth habit with dense dark green "‘cushions" of leaves. It has a mild flavor that is great for home gardeners & commercial growers. Curled leaf parsley is a more subtle seasoning than Italian flat leaf & makes for a nutritious, edible garnish - fresh or dried. Good for beds and containers. Height: 10 in. Exposure: sun/part shade. (PETROSELINUM crispum 'Grune Perle')

Photo unavailable PARSLEY 'Hilmar'
Organic Parsley, Italian Flat Leaf type

An Italian Flat Leaf type that is high yielding with strong stems and good bunching. Very vigorous and allows for multiple harvests. Robust plants with dark green leaves. The dark green, smooth leaves are more refined in flavor than curled parsley. Excellent vigor. Delicious raw or cooked. Harvest the leaves when that plant is 4 inches tall. Maturity: 70 days. (PETROSELINUM crispum 'Hilmar')

Photo unavailable PARSLEY 'Italian Flat Leaf'
Organic Parsley

A classic flat leaf variety for use either fresh or dried as a seasoning. It has strong flavored lvs that make it the parsley associated w/Italian dishes. The slight peppery flavor is stronger than that of its ruffled cousin, curly-leaf parsley. A very nutritious & tasty addition to meat or vegetable dishes, soups or even salads. Biennial. Ht: 18-24". Width: 15". Exp.: sun/part shade. Repels asparagus beetles. USDA Z4-11. (Maturity: 70 days)

Photo unavailable PARSLEY 'Laica'
Organic Parsley, Italian Flat Leaf type

An Italian flat leaf type that has a delicious flavor. The large, smooth & dark green leaves have a flavor that is mild and sweet. It is tasty when eaten raw. This is a high yielding, quick to grow type that has excellent regrowth and is a "cut and come again" type. A good replacement for Parsley 'Giant of Italy'/'Gigante d'Italia'. Harvest: clip when needed. Can be used fresh or dried. Exposure: sun. (PETROSELINUM crispum 'Laica') Non-GMO

PEA 'Green Arrow', Organic English Pea PEA 'Green Arrow'
Organic English Pea

Heirloom-A wonderful variety that is disease resistant, is easy to pick, is delicious, and is a high performing, high-yielding shelling variety. The pods reach 4-5 inches long and are filled with 9-11 plump, sweet, tender peas. The pods develop in pairs within easy reach at the top of the compact 24 inch plants. A great choice for the home gardener. Perfect for canning, freezing, and eating fresh! Prefers full sun. (Pisum sativum 'Green Arrow')


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